“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we really do a great job on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ~ Bill GatesGood morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. During this this time period as folks are getting cabin fever as the upcoming days become warmer as summer is fast approaching and one thing I’ve noticed in regards of the weather nowadays but don’t want to speak too soon just yet, meaning shouldn’t the weather be warmer? I mean since we are in the month of May, shouldn’t we be putting our heavy sweatshirts away during the day and the temperature averaging to 70 something degrees during the day as the average high? I wouldn’t be surprised if it is somehow connected to global warming, the chemtrails and the contrails to how it effects the weather... Here is an article on chemtrails for you to read at your own leisure: The Government’s Hidden Agenda: A Look Inside Chemtrails. A lot of this is making me question everything in the chain of events and from my perspective, I smell a rat! Before we go on with today’s lesson in the classroom boys and girls, I wanted to inform all of you that I’m doing my own research with an open mind and an open heart without any type of judgement (positive or negative). I've also provided my own opinions and I don't expect many of you to agree with me at some point in this blog. I hope we got that cleared up before we go on with the lesson and I’m going to provide everyone with an unbiased opinion of what I am thinking and feeling. Yet, I am aware of the internet trolls and how these low energy individuals love talking mad junk about whatever lesson plan is or rather topic of discussion. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist and no, this blog is not one of those fearmongering blogs, nor am I trying to intimidate people into feeling a certain type of way. It’s up to you on what you want to do with this knowledge, whether if you want to pass it along to your family and friends then I don’t mind. However I’m not buying into the whole Coronavirus and the Kawasaki Disease but I refuse to get vaccinated or have the microchip implanted in my body, which is known as The Mark of the Beast.
“At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.” ~ Jon Rappoport interview with ex-vaccine ResearcherEverything that is being presented to us through predictive programming such as the news media, television shows such as The Simpsons, and movies that leads to what we’re currently experiencing. Everything is very suspicious indeed with the events leading to now and I’m questioning everything. Agenda 21 which was created on April 23, 1992 by the United Nation... Anyway, Agenda 21 is not good because the government and Bill Gates are looking to depopulate the population through creating AIDS/HIV; through September 11, 2001 killing 2,996 people and 25,000 injured (nonfatal); all these viruses such as West Nile Virus, Bird Flu, Ebola, and now this, the Coronavirus. One thing is that businesses, schools, and public libraries remained opened during the West Nile Virus, Bird Flu, Ebola outbreak but why all of a sudden people are unemployed, non-essential businesses closed, schools and public libraries are currently closed. Let's see, there's these I've found online: 'Zika Virus, Rockefeller’; The Hill’s ‘More than 30 million on lockdown in China amid coronavirus outbreak’; New York Times ‘Toll From Outbreak Climbs in China as Infections Reach Europe and Australia’; Foreign Policy ‘As the Coronavirus Spreads, Conspiracy Theories Are Going Viral Too’; Fast Company ‘Why Bill Gates Is the focus of the latest coronavirus conspiracy theories’; and Washington Post’s ‘The billionaire who cried pandemic’. I am absolutely not buying into the whole Coronavirus and the Kawasaki Disease because I do believe that both diseases or rather viruses had been created in a laboratory then the Coronavirus was brought to Wuhan, China most likely out of anger due to a lack of funding by the American government or there was some type of disagreement and the scientist had taken the Coronavirus to Wuhan, China or there could have been a disagreement between governments. It’s extremely interesting that this particular docuseries just came out as the Coronavirus was snowballing into what it is, it is interesting but very suspicious indeed that Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak was released on Wednesday January 22, 2020 and there's an article from The Los Angeles Times titled: A Netflix series predicted a global pandemic. It was dismissed as ‘a show about the flu’. Predictive programming much? Yeah, note the sarcasm ladies and gentlemen! This is a Problem-Reaction-Solution because the government wants to desensitize your mind, the government is not looking out for us and they are only looking out for themselves on how they can depopulate the planet. They've done it with September 11, 2001 by bringing down the Twin Towers killing by blaming the nineteen hijackers or rather Al-Qaeda knowingly it was most likely an inside job. The September 11, 2001 is for another blog for a later time. The government is up to something suspicious and I am not buying into the Coronavirus since the government wants to put in place New World Order as we're being quarantined. Do not expect me to get the vaccine or a chip implanted in my hand that can potentially kill me, no thank you. I would rather die from a gun shot wound to the head than get vaccinated and chipped. Here is a New York Times article that I found intriguing because I do feel that the Chinese government wanted to "silence" this doctor by making seem like he "mysteriously" died from Coronavirus. However, I am not buying into the lies and deception the government tells us. Here's the link for Chinese doctor: Chinese Doctor, Silenced After Warning of Outbreak, Dies From Coronavirus'. Hmmm, word on the street is that this doctor was called a "Whistleblower" and I’m hoping to somehow find a way to communicate with this doctors' spirit through Outer Body Experience. There is a video posted on YouTube in March, however YouTube had deleted this video by Truth Unveiled 777 and the name of this video is: YOUTUBE DELETED THIS VIDEO BECAUSE IT’S THE TRUTH!!! And it’s roughly a half hour long.
"How is it that mercury is not safe for food additives and Over the Counter drug products, but is safe in our vaccines and dental amalgams." ~ Dan BurtonThis is going to get real interesting from now until early 2021 and who knows what the future brings. I’ve seen several YouTube videos where these individuals mentioned ‘H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act’; and here is an article from The Washington Times titled ‘H.R 6666 a devil of a COVID-19 government surveillance plot.’ I’ve recently watched a video by JonXArmy and this dude warns ‘They are coming to your front door!’; 'I am speechless'; and 'Inflated Numbers! We got scammed!'; 'Things are not always as they seem!" where he speaks of the H.R. 6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act in They are coming to your front door! video. I believe it was JonXArmy who briefly mentioned this movie: 1984 and I’ve never heard of this movie. I’m not taking this vaccine or accepting the Mark of the Beast. I realize the 1984 movie came out in 1956, long before I was born and the movie was filmed in black and white. There is an article titled: ‘Did the Orwell’s ‘1984’ get lost in the movie?’ It is a crazy time we're living in at the moment and I suppose it's time to get our hands dirty a bit in research. Children don't understand what is going on and it is very heartbreaking that we have to live like this. Oh and let's not forget that this sounds very suspicious that there is a "new" strand of virus called the Kawasaki Disease. Everything sounds very suspicious indeed with how everything came into small events leading to what it is. The government and scientists know that summer is right around the corner so in contrast, the government and scientists want to keep us home even more while they distract us with these "viruses" while they work their magic. I realize that I sound insane but with enough research comes more knowledge and I am not buying into this, nor am I afraid to go out. I have places to go and business to take care of because there isn't enough time in a day to worry about some virus. From my perspective, if people such as Bill Gates and the government are “so” concerned about the general population of the world then why not promote healthcare that works for everyone tailored to everyone’s needs as well as people’s pre-existing health issues; educate people on different types of birth control but not limited to the day after pills; condoms; abortions; however, be stricter about how you raise your sons (makes no sense to be strict with your daughters but baby the shit out of your sons with a pat on the back for every time he gets laid which is why your sons are a bunch of spoiled brats or rather assholes that they are, oh, don’t get angry at me for being honest. Look at the reality around you, you see men raping women and inappropriately touching underage girls that are old enough to be their daughters or sister but get angry when people disrespect their mother, hypocrite much?) and to be better respectable men instead of animals for assholes; and have conversations with your children on the reality of the world. We have to do better and this shit is getting out of hand, common sense (wake up sheeple). Here is an additional reading resource titled: Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators. Many of the articles listed in this blog are to be read at your own leisure.
”I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apparatus behind it all to push it on us through fear.” ~ Billy Corgan
There is another YouTuber who is one of those conspiracy theorists, A Call For An Uprising and yes, he may come off as a whack job. In contrast, I will let you decide for yourselves and create or rather form your own opinion if necessary. There is a video posted earlier this month titled: 'Share this! This should scare people straight and wake them up...'; ‘EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS! THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING IN 2020...’; '100% PROOF THAT THIS WAS PLANNED IN AN ADVANCE...'; ‘Proof that social distancing has been planned for a long time!'; and 'If you haven't seen this yet then watch it and share it and learn...'. Everything in movies have this predictive programming to dumb people and movies should make you question everything, I mean everything. The one thing that is interesting, the economy did not shut down, people did not wear masks but it was optional at the time, people weren't on lock down or rather quarantined in fear. The economy did not shut when there was the SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome), Bird Flu (also called H5N1, Avian Influenza), Ebola, and MERS - CoV (Middle East respiratory syndrome). It's really interesting that there's a movie called ‘5-Feet Apart’ that came out on March 15, 2019 but notice the date from a year ago and the time period this year when many places "closed" down or rather when the economy had shut down due to this fake fearmongering pandemic. Here is a trailer for the movie: ‘5-Feet Apart’ and if you're a bit of a bookworm like myself, ‘5-Feet Apart’ by Rachael Lippincott. Don't believe the hype that the government "tells" you and it's time to rise up and fight back. Not through violence but through a peaceful protest and forget about social distancing! Stand back and look at the bigger agenda. All in all, I will leave you with these last two videos and I hope this blog has somehow opened your mind to the New World Order, Freemasons, Illuminati, the Rockefellers, the Rothschild. Here is a little history for you: Meet the Man Who Started the Illuminati; One Man Exposed the Secrets of the Freemasons. His Disappearance Led to Their Downfall; and Rothschild Family. I'm sure this one particular video has nothing to do with the Coronavirus or the government wanting to take away our freedom, 'The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation -- Dr. Devra Davis'; and 'Call for Arrest of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates. Fauci may be part of Syndicate?' As a result, Asians are being targeted for the Coronavirus and it’s not right because I don't condone this type of behavior. As an Asian American, it makes me nervous but then at the same time, I've had people ask me if I'm Puerto Rican, Dominican, Korean, Hawaiian or Filipino. People are somewhat correct and I’m Chinese and Panamanian American but I do have some Filipino from my grandmother's side. My grandparents and both of my uncles on my mother's side are Chinese immigrants from mainland China. Here is an article from Daily News: Man harassed, spat on Asian people, blaming them for coronavirus in series of racist attacks: cops. The one thing that makes my blood boil is hearing white people telling people who don't "look like" them to go back to where we came from and one thing for sure is that I haven't heard any Native Americans telling the white man to go back to Europe and I secretly hope someday white people will have a taste of their own medicine!!! What goes around, goes around and Lady Karma will go after them. They have it coming to them for everything they have done to the Indigenous people since the Indigenous people were here first and I personally do not celebrate Christopher Columbus Day since he was nothing more than a thief who stole land from the Native Americans! However, I am going to give you the freedom to decide for yourselves and draw up your own conclusion on the Coronavirus. Wake up and see what's really going on in the world sheeple! Research is key to survival. I think Arnold Schwarzenegger said it best: "Come with me if you want to live" from 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' and it’s best to do your own research because knowledge is power.
On a final note: At the time of this blog, several YouTube channels are currently active and who knows how much longer the algorithm will hold back the truth on what's going on in the world brainwashing the masses. It's time to wake up people because you're being deceived by the government trickling down to what you watch on the evening news. You can chose to live in denial and trusting the government or you can look at the picture and question everything.