"Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones." ~ Thich Nhat Nanh
Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. This is pretty much my second blog about the "coronavirus" and I hope the vast majority of you are aware that COVID-19 is apart of the influenza family. There are damned freaking surgical masks don't work since our faces are not flat like pancakes from iHop and if you blow smoke, that smoke will escape up the masks and sides of the masks. If they say that this is a "killer virus" then why are we not wearing hazmat suits to protect ourselves from the Coronavirus? Did you know we breathe from three parts of our body? Fun fact, we breathe from our nose, mouth and skin. Believe it or not, we do breathe from our skin as well because we sweat, bleed when we cut ourselves, either curry or garlic seep through our skin if you consume lots of curry or garlic then you'll have to wait for the odor to go away. Other than that, why should I have to follow the science when the government is keeping people in fear and living in a bubble? Simply put, if this was a supposed killer virus, then why aren't people wearing hazmat suits? However, if the government and people like Bill Gates claim that these stupid surgical masks "work" and people are still catching "COVID" if they claim they want to save people's lives then why not have people wear hazmat suits? I personally refuse to wear a hazmat suit because just think, if you're out in public running personal errands and you need to use the ladies room and unfortunately there's a long line at the Barnes ad Noble in Union Square, by the time you get to a bathroom stall, you're struggling to get the hazmat suit off, you're pretty much dancing around and by the time you completely get the hazmat suit hazmat suit off, let's hope you haven't had an accident. Your best bet is to wear a dress under the hazmat suit to prevent accidents.
It's been exactly one year since my blog, Coronavirus: Is the curve really going down or is the government lying to you? and I felt the need to do a follow-up to my first blog. This time around, I'm not staying up until 5am in search for different articles or videos on YouTube in regards of the Coronavirus and since then several YouTube channels have been deleted for speaking the truth. YouTube such as JonXArmy is one of the YouTubers; as well as Truth Unveiled 777; and Richie from Boston but they're on Bit Chute at your convenience. A year later, I still believe that this whole "Coronavirus" is still the mild form of the flu and I'm still not buying into this whole "Coronavirus." As I've mentioned before, I'm doing this with an open mind; an open heart without any type of judgement (may it be positive or negative); and I do believe with my heart to hear all sides of the story before drawing up my own conclusion on my own terms. The opinions in this blog are my own and are unbiased. This blog is not one of those conspiracy theory blogs; it's certainly not one of those blogs that sets fearmongering thoughts into your minds and hearts; nor is this used to intimidate people into feeling a certain way and you are free to draw up your own conclusion. I still refuse to get the vaccine because it's my choice and it's my body, I don't need people trying to shame me into getting vaccinated. First of all, I don't travel much out of state [New York City] since I've never booked a flight or hotel before, I don't have my driver's license but I should get my driver's license. Secondly, it's not like I have an active social life anyway and I'm hesitating on who I should trust because of what happened six months ago since there was a falling out between myself and these two individuals. U.S. COVID-19 Deaths for 2021 Surpass Toll from 2020.
I forget which YouTuber had provided the link to COVID-19 Navigating the Uncharted and at the time of the article, it talks about how children are less likely to get the "virus." In the past year, I've asked myself when it came down to other viruses such as Ebola; SARS - COV1; SARS - COV2; Bird Flu; and any other viruses that schools, public libraries, people losing their jobs, businesses closed and even went belly up in the process! Compare and note of things that didn't happen at the time viruses now where unemployment is supposedly at 6.1% at the time this blog was written and you can find the 41 page of News Release Bureau of Labor Statistics U.S. Department of Labor site. Monthly unemployment rate in the United States from April 2020 - April 2021. If you're one of many who are currently receiving unemployment thinking you could or can get away with this, how long do you honestly believe that you can continue to receive unemployment when in reality you'd have to eventually go back to work? Take that into consideration for one moment and I wish I could continue to collect unemployment, nonetheless, I would prefer to have a valid excuse of going out to work. I wouldn't mind doing work from home but if it was up to me, I wouldn't mind going to the office at least three days a week and work remote from home the other two days out of the week if possible (just saying hypothetically). When we had other viruses, business, public libraries, schools remain opened, no one lost their jobs and of course, homelessness wasn't as high as it is compared to now here in New York City but I cannot speak for those who live outside of the New York City area. At the time of my first blog, Coronavirus: Is the curve really going down or is the government lying to you? I haven't considered in listening to many podcasts and this dude in a podcast asks the same questions regarding why schools, businesses have closed in his podcast titled: The Truth About Morality Rates | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline, best to check out some of these videos since who knows if these will remain on YouTube or meet their fate of being removed from the YouTube community. I forget which YouTuber had mentioned that Pinball Preparedness have a video had recently done regarding receiving documents from an attorney and I'm not sure if it was Prepper Nation or The Angry Prepper, I'm thinking it was Prepper Nation. Prepping - NO entity can LEGALLY mandate the jab and I had found this video the other day, Employers may be liable for 'any adverse reaction' from mandated coronavirus shots: OSHA #shorts. If you're an individual who have not yet got the arm ticket and your job is on the line, feel free to contact Pinball Preparedness for the documents. Spread the word about this blog or any of these videos. Who knows how long these videos will be on YouTube and best to watch them while you still can.
- Unmasking The Science You Aren't Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline;
- The Truth About Mortality Rates | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline;
- The Real Truth About Coronavirus by Steven Gaundry;
- 'We can't trust' whether 'the truth' on COVID-19 will be told: Bolt;
- Are Doctors and Hospitals Paid More for COVID-19 Patients?
-Podcasts on Spotify-
"The news media are, for the most part, the bringers of bad news... and it's not entirely the media's fault, bad news gets higher ratings and sells more papers than good news." ~ Peter McWilliams
You can also find Tony Ribbons podcast on Spotify: 028. The Truth About Mortality Rates COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline; and COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline | Facts Over Fear, Part 3: A panel of doctors, M.D.s, and a Nobel Prize.... There are other podcasts on Spotify: The Truth About The Coronavirus. If in the event that several of these YouTube videos are ever taken down due to "Community Guidelines" then there are these options for those who have Spotify, however, I'm not certain if there are other podcasts on other platforms and so far, I've found these podcasts on Spotify for your own viewing. If there are any other podcasts relating to the Coronavirus, feel free to add them in the comment section below so people can be educated on what we know and I don't believe we're tin foil conspiracy theorists until it's much too late. I'm waiting for the day when these vaccines turn people into a scientific experiment gone wrong turning people into Shrek mutant mixed with an alien shaped head with the snout of a crocodile and the body of a unicorn shitting glitter onto everyone while flying high in the sky. For real, I'm waiting for that day, although I know it'll never happen but who knows because the government done all these experiments gone wrong after World War II in the '50s; '60s; and '70s that the government never talk about much since then. I personally don't trust the government and they're the ones who brought down the towers and shot a missile into the Pentagon (that was not a plane because if it was a plane, where are the wings of the plane and why only show that one surveillance footage when there's plural, meaning the Pentagon have multiple surveillance cameras all around the damn building? Please explain that to me and do yourselves a favor, go on YouTube and look up Jesse Ventura talking about that day. That day will be a separate blog in itself in September since it'll mark twenty years later if you catch my drift, it's a shady day in American history indeed.)
-Spiritual Revelations-
I will leave you with these three spiritual Revelations to take into consideration before you go out there for the vaccines and boosters.
- Revelation 13:16-17: "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name."
- Revelation 19:20: "And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone."
- Revelation 20:4: "Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgement was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Yahusha and because of the word of Yahuah, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Yahusha for a thousand years."
All in all, don't say that I didn't warn you! Consider yourselves warned.
*Side note: At the time of this blog, keep in mind that these YouTubers may be permanently be removed from YouTube and keep in mind that this is at the time that this blog was written. If in the event that any of these videos are removed just because YouTube "feels" that these individuals are somehow "violating" code of conduct and it's best to contact these individuals via email to see if they have any backup channels either on YouTube or elsewhere such as BitChute or Rumble. YouTube has this nasty habit of removing certain videos from their platform.*
Blessed be,