“The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to be yourself. Treasure
the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost
you’re not here as a human being only. You’re a spiritual being having a
human experience.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. 🙏 I
know this isn't relating to photography and I also realize it's been
five years since I've made mention of anything spiritual. This year will
make six years since I've made mention of anything spiritual and about
religion. In a way this is a follow up to The Strange Reality of Religion and I'm not sure how you'd describe this blog, perhaps a little more deeper than my first blog. Who knows if this may or may not be my last spiritual blog or if I may have a final follow up blog on where I'm at in life spiritually. I feel like I've spiritually grown since but more rapidly now
since we're currently in the end times and my pre-spiritual stages in my
personal life because I've had experiences in the past of where my
grandmother (my mom's mom) had came to me in a dream at the age of 16
telling me in Cantonese that she'll be okay and not to worry. I remember
feeling freaked out because I never had that experience before. My grandmother's death was never an easy subject for me to openly discuss but I know she's watching over me. Second
time that my grandmother came to me was after the passing of my
grandfather in June of 2003, this time I wasn't freaked out. There's not a day
that passes that I don't think about them and I miss them a lot! So I
know I'm capable of seeing spirits and the idea of seeing spirits and
shadow spirits but that concept simply does not bother me much. I've
seen a shadow spirit coming out of my former friends' apartment one
Saturday night in September if I'm not mistaken and it was very
interesting how quickly the shadow spirit came flying out, rushed past
me into the street before disappearing into thin air. It was as I would
describe it as a "comet" like but smashed up into a ball and I know it
sounds horrible with how I am describing it! I have this book, Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense: Strengthen Your Aura by
Denning & Phillips that I had purchased at Enchantments in the East
Village several years ago but never gotten around to finishing reading
the book. A spiritual mentor had given me these books:
Books I've ordered from Amazon are:
I'm also looking to get Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards and Angels and Ancestors Oracle: A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook both by Kyle Gray. When time permits, next item on my list to purchase in the upcoming weeks is Gypsy/La Gitana Statue 10" and what made me want to buy the statue is when I first went to the Original Botanica was when I walked down the statue aisle, I said my full name (first, middle and last name along with my birthday) then the following day while I was in the shower, La Gitana made herself known to me! Believe it or not, it works. If you're unconvinced, visit Original Botanica on Webster Avenue sometime and try it. Two spiritual books I currently am reading are 'Raise Your Vibration: 111 Practices to Increase Your Spiritual Connection' by Kyle Gray and 'Chakra Healing: A Beginner's Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras' by Margarita Alcantara. Both are interesting in their own way but the Chakra Healing is more of an interesting read so far and I would recommend Chakra Healing: A Beginner's Guide to Self-healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras.
I've been interested in Wicca back when I was in high school but never did anything with it because I've always felt intimidated by it and I've been curious about the Wiccan arts. At the time, I didn't have the resources and didn't know any of these spiritual retail shops existed at the time. In regards of religion, I've always had this nagging feeling that all these religions were up to something but couldn't put my finger on it. I still have my books on Wicca and they're in a container sitting on my closet shelf, I plan on keeping them for when they're needed. I've been looking at different books on Amazon and whenever I go to places such as Barnes and Noble in Union Square or to spiritual shops like Namaste Bookshop on 14 Street or even Original Products Botanica on Webster Avenue in the Bronx or Enchantments in the East Village. I also had the experience of going to Fountain of Youth on Fresh Pond Road for several items back in August of 2020 and haven't had the opportunity of going back since early August. I've also been to Lemuria Emporium INC in Richmond Hill, New York but unfortunately there was a fire at several stores surrounding the store around 1AM in the morning. I heard about it on the news but briefly thought about it and didn't fully put two and two together until several weeks ago. It wasn't until I looked it up online and saw that Lemuria Emporium was affected as well. You can read the article at your own leisure,
Massive Queens fire that left 36 residents homeless sparked by lit candle in closed 'metaphysical' shop: FDNY and I hope they're not permanently closed because I've had a positive experience shopping there in November, shortly before the fire broke out. I've only shopped there twice in the month of November. There are two YouTubers I often watch and one of them teaches astral projection and the other does healing. A former employee at Walgreens had mentioned several years ago this young British guy by the name of
Ryan Cropper and someone had him on a podcast as a guest almost two years ago titled:
AP 160: Astral Projection & Exploring your Consciousness - Ryan Cropper. I've also been watching Shamon Oaks on YouTube and there's a podcast on Spotify titled:
Shamon Oak's Ayahuasca DMT Trip Experience | Your Mate Tom Podcast #26 + My First 5-MeO-DMT Trip. What got me interested in Shamon Oaks was a video he had done where he talks about a past life regression titled
Past Life Regression - Burned at the Stake. I've also purchased
Modern Guide to Energy Clearing by Barbara Moore and
Magical Rituals for Protection by Donna Rose. There was something of interest in Magical Rituals for Protection that I wanted to use on a particular individual that I'm no longer on speaking terms with!
As I'm growing in a spiritual way and learning more about Yahuah, along with the archangels. I would recommend Yahuah/Yahusha Power Prayer; A History of the True Hebrews (Documentary); 100% UNDENIABLE PROOF Of Our Creator YAH!; (The True Hebrew Israelites) Scattered Among the Nations: Part 1; (The True Hebrew Israelites) Scattered Among the Nations: Part 2; (The True Hebrew Israelites) Scattered Among the Nations: Part 3; and YAHUAH'S BIBLICAL HEBREWS REVELED: Contrary to the Whitewash! to view at your own leisure. Everything that we've been taught in life was all a lie about the bible, notice everything from Hollywood when it comes to black face instead of using someone from that culture. I don't agree with that idea but look at shows like
The Good Doctor and they're using someone who doesn't have autism playing a doctor with autism. Anyway, I've come across this website regarding Yahuah because I was sending an email to a particular person and used Yahuah's name instead of using "God." I'm not mentioning any names since this individual had made herself clear that
she wanted
nothing to do with me, okay, fine by me since she wants to play victim over what I've posted on social media and I didn't know she's the social media police (whatever but I don't owe
her an apology because deep down she knows I'm right regarding what I've said in the first email back in November of 2020 but she's weak, *think of the scene from The Craft where Nancy says that Chris is weak in scene: "
You're Going to Kill Yourself Tonight"* and she's in the wrong for how she was behaving towards me but payback will be a bitch in a spiritual way if you catch my drift). I was going to help her out spiritually because she had mentioned that she wished her parents would get a divorce, I was going to offer her two different candles of the back to back separation candles:
Back To Back Candle (Black) or a
Back To Back Separation: Red to choose from along with either the
Separation Scented Custom Candle or
Separation Custom Big Al Candle. Finally, there's an item to finalize all things separation is the
Separation Oil! All she has to do was provide pictures and birthdays of both her parents for spiritual work so the spell can be a success... Since we're currently
not on speaking terms at the moment, she's on her own with her wishful thinking and even if she feels that it's going to work itself out somehow with her parents going their separate ways, I highly doubt it very much to be honest with you. However, I suppose I'm not going to help her out after all if she's going to continue to be the way she is [a bitch] and all I have to say is she seriously need to stop playing victim. I must add lastly is this individual knows deep down she is wrong but refuse to fully admit it because I know she will go to my mother and bitch to my mother on what I've mentioned in this blog instead of having a conversation with me directly because this is
our fight, this shouldn't have to involve my mother in any of this mess. At this point of where I'm at in my life, I want to care but I need to wash my hands clean so to speak because I have things to do and I can't worry about people such as this individual. If anything, I'll let the shadow spirit do its thing and do what it has to do to this individual, I will no longer intervene with the shadow spirits purpose but I will make mention of it once, the rest is up to the individual. As for this other individual, she can believe all she wants about her situation with her ex and I was also going to help her out as well to win her court case involving their son with
Win in Court Kit;
Court Case 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle;
Court Case Oil;
Court Case Cologne;
Court Case Sachet Powder; and
Win In Court Amulet. I've told the second individual in email (same email as the first individual) that the Order of Protection isn't a bullet proof vest and a matter of fact, these two individuals want nothing to do with me. Again, this second individual needs a picture along with her ex full name and birthday. There is a psalm in
Powers of the Psalms by Anna Riva that she can use in order to win in court for full custody of her son before her ex decides to commit a crime. I couldn't careless at this point and yes, it does sting a bit but I'm learning from this experience on who I let in my circle of friends, I know what to look for if I ever find myself in a similar situation at some point, especially if there's red flags involved (which I've always seen but wanted to let it play out to the end) but I do need to come up with a checkmate first which needs to be timed out perfectly. I know what to do and I already have a plan in mind if I find myself in a similar situation such as this in the future. At any rate, I've been doing what I can to do some research on what links to use for this blog so people can remain informed.
I'll end this blog with a spiritual goals I wish to work towards is being able to work on my mental telepathy and as well as Outer Body Experience or astral projection, whichever term you wish to go with. I've been looking up different spiritual shops within New York City other than Enchantments in the East Village area; Namaste Bookshop in Union Square; and Aum Shanti Bookshop & Psychic Tarot Card Readings on East 14 Street [it's walking distance from Union Square, it's between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, across the street from
Beyond Sushi and not far from iHop]. So far, I've been to Fountain of Youth in Ridgewood [Queens, NY]; Lemuria Emporium INC in Richmond Hill;
Namaste Bookshop;
Aum Shanti Bookshop & Psychic Tarot Card Readings; and
Original Products Botanica in the Bronx. I have my fingers crossed that I can search around for several items for my alter but already found an
P.S 9" New Scottish Celtic Gaelic Twist Knot Ruby Gemstone Wicca Dark Dagger Knife and it looks pretty but I'm looking forward to eventually ordering this particular item from Amazon! Another personal spiritual goal is to improve my mental telepathy and outer body experience or astral projection (whichever you wish to call it). I also hope to some day visit Costa Rica since Costa Rica is in my top ten places to visit for my birthday and figuring every year for my birthday, I wish to visit different countries beginning with Japan; China; Dubai; Tibet; Thailand; and Costa Rica. I haven't thought of anywhere else to visit for my birthday but it would be a different environment on my end. Back to Ryan Cropper, a young British dude from England had talked about his experience in Costa Rica for
Rythmia: Life Advancement Center and also mentioned his experience with Ayahuasca. Here is a video from Rythmia titled
We Are Rythmia and it's gotten me curious on a spiritual level. The total package is valued at $4,800 bucks and I hope I'll have the money set aside for a one week stay in Costa Rica, then there's a chance to enter to win a transformation vacation for one week, seven days at most. A new winner will be chosen each month! There are different meditative music on Spotify and best to find ones you fancy most but will post selected meditative music in a moment.
"Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong, but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching, you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling. And out of this awareness comes silence." ~
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I have found ten different meditations on Spotify and if you're one of many who may not have an account with Spotify, there's two options (one that is free and there are different payment plans available starting from $4.99 per month if you're a student for one account; $14.99 per month for family for six accounts; $12.99 for duo for two accounts; and $9.99 per month for one account all of which is one month free). For those who may not be aware, I have a Spotify account [the free account] and feel free to follow me on there:
Spotify and have several playlists for everyone to check out. Who knows, I may fix up several of my playlists in the upcoming weeks.
I encourage people to do their own research or if I had missed anything, feel free to let me know so I can revisit this blog to add things I haven't added. By the way in case if you may not be aware of this but as a friendly disclaimer, if you piss me off once and watch what happens! Best to sleep with one eye open and find yourself the best psychologist you can. If you're looking to meditate; pray or whatever you fancy, I suggest one of the meditation from Spotify as you meditate and if you're looking for tea light candles, Amazon sells the
MontoPack Unscented Tea Lights Candles in Bulk | 100 White, smokeless, Drip-less & Long Lasting Paraffin Tea Candles | Small Votive Mini Tealight Candles for Home, Pool, Shabbat, Weddings & Emergencies where it's 100 candles
or your second option is the
Bulk Set of 250 Tealight Candles in Metal Cups (White) 4.5 Hour Burn Time (Unscented Tea Lights). If you're looking for something to hold your tea light candles, I've found two items that you can add to your spiritual alter are
OakiWay Meditation Decor - Buddha Statue & Lotus Flower Candle Holder W/ Flickering Led Candle - Spiritual Decor, Zen/Yoga Accessories, Feng Shui/Spa/Japanese/Boho Decor, Relaxing Gifts for Women;
My Gift Buddha Head Sculpture Zen Garden Set w/Lotus Tealight Candle Holders & Wooden Display Tray, Black or
Alpine Corporation WCT202 Tiered Column Tabletop Fountain w/ 3 Candles, 11 Inch Tall, Brown. Before I forget to mention, when you light any candle, please be sure to say "I light this candle in the name of Yahuah!" Then state what your intentions are and pay attention to the flame. It's great to have some tealight candles for spiritual work to your advantage and be sure to use tealight candles whenever possible.
Blessed be,
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