“The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you’re not here as a human being only. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience.” ~ Wayne Dyer
Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. I honestly was not planning on a fourth spiritual blog but here I
am writing a fourth blog on spirituality and as I'm reflecting back on
my previous blog titled: Spiritual Practice, I realize I haven't fully touched up on which psalms I would have used if I could do things much (much) differently and who knows what that particular outcome would have been or will be! I've decided to completely completely redo this blog over because I thought the first time around was good but this time I wanted to do better this time around on what I'd do. I had my Powers of the Psalms by Anna Riva on hand when I had taken my son, Stephan to the pool in Fort Totten on Independence Day so he can have fun while I chilled on the lounge chairs getting some tan and being a freaking meal to flies. 😒 While I was on the lounge chair looking over some psalms before placing them certain ones in its own category (love; work; finances; enemies). I did eventually go in the pool and had a good time, so the day wasn't a complete waste! 😁 Hopefully I'd have some space on scrap paper to break each category down so you'd know which is which and unfortunately in the Powers of the Psalms does not have any psalms to keep those who are constantly harassing you around the clock by blowing up your phone with constant unnecessary phone calls and threatening text messages to harm you and your family. Your best bet is to use these psalms: Suppress Evil Doers which involves a Reversible Multi-color 7 Day Prayer Candle; Punish Liars and Violent Men; Bring an Enemy to Justice; Destroy Any Enemies Power; Destroy One's Enemy; and the last four psalms you use a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Black. As for as Bring an Enemy to Justice, if you have John Doe or Jane Doe's picture and date of birth, place the picture, name and date of birth on parchment paper on one side and intentions on the other side under the candle, repeat ritual for nine days. Don't forget to use Receive Answer to Prayer psalm prior to beginning each ritual during the Waxing and/or Waning Moon. Don't wait until things get worse before beginning your ritual and be sure to stock up on candles because for certain rituals require a black; purple; yellow; and several Reversible Multi-color 7 Day candles. I suggest purchasing a Double Reversible 14 Day Prepared Candle; Destroy Everything 14 Day Prepared Candle; Black List D.U.M.E. 14 Day Prepared Candle; and Against Harm/Contra Danos 14 Day Prepared Candle for the fifth month but for the first four months get three black candles so you can carve either John Doe or Jane Doe's full name and date of birth onto the candle and if you have a picture of either John Doe or Jane Doe, that's even better but still include their name; date of birth; and your intentions. Also recite Suppress Evil Doers for as long as possible for nine days if possible and I personally haven't tried this method for nine days but I am curious to hear from your personal experiences. You can spend anywhere from half hour to an hour each day and as many times as you want, it could be once a day or twice a day. It's totally up to you on what you want to accomplish but make it your own experience!!! I suggest Protection and Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual by Jason Miller and another book is Advanced Candle Magic by Ray Buckland for your spiritual practice. I suggest going to Namaste Bookshop; Aum Shanti Bookshop & Crystal Gallery; and Stick Stone & Bone for crystals but most of all, I encourage you to purchase a Selenite Crystal so you can charge up your candles and crystals first before working on anything spiritual.
-Positive Vibes-
"Spirituality does two things for you. One, you are forced to become more selfless, two, you trust to providence. The opposite of a spiritual man is a materialist. If I was a materialist I would be making lots of money doing endorsements, doing cricket commentary. I have no interest in that." ~ Imran Khan
If you're looking to attract the positive things into your life such as love; prosperity; employment opportunities. I will list several psalms throughout this paragraph that maybe useful to your current situation and I wish you luck on your spiritual journey. Especially if you're looking to start a business of your own and I will mention that in a moment. If you wish to attract love or friends; use Receive Answer to prayer; Receive Divine Prayer; Receive God's Blessings before beginning your rituals for Attract Love; Attract Friends; Assist In Finding Work; Find Fulfillment in Work; Find Love Each and Every Day; For A Happy Marriage; Help in Finding a New Dwelling; Improve Financial Conditions; Prosper in Business; Strengthen Friendships. To Attract Friends, all you need are parchment paper and Attraction Oil and carry the parchment paper with you everyday when you go out. You don't need anything fancy for Strengthen Friendships other than pray sincerely the short psalm of David. Best advice is to do no harm onto others and as the Wiccan Rede goes: "An ye harm none, do what ye will." Be mindful of any and all consequences done during your spiritual rituals, whether it's positive or negative because it will either bite you in the derrière if you put out negative energy and if you do positive then the universe will reward you with something positive. For added benefits prior to doing any spiritual work is done where as I often use them as personal reference to see how other witches perform their spells, check out Magical Witch or any other YouTube channel that features performing spells. If you're going to be performing any spiritual work for your dream job: a green candle is needed; Cat Candle Green; Catnip Herb; Fix Boss Oil; Boss Fix Sachet Powder; Hire Me Perfume (this link may take you to the 3rd I Product but you'd have to type in Hire Me); Job Oil; Steady Work Oil; Steady Work Sachet Powder; and a Steady Work 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle Green along with the psalms needed. You'll also need to recite this affirmation daily in order for everything to become reality: Affirmations For Dream Job Success | 21 Days Attract Job | Positive Affirmation Meditation | Manifest. If you're someone who is single and looking to enter a relationship, be careful in what you wish for and make sure you have a 7 Day Pull Out Candle White; a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Pink; and a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Red, as well as Attraction Oil; Love Drawing Candle 7 Day; Come to Me Oil; Desire Me Oil; Glow of Attraction Oil; Love Oil; Love Sachet Powder; and Love Soap. If you're totally serious about attracting a soulmate, be sure that this is what you want and be careful what you wish for! Be sure you find these qualities such as honesty; loyalty; trust; communication; and there's one other I've unintentionally left out but they will come to me! Keep this in mind, if you're one of those people that have that self-loathing mindset, there's an old saying, "If you can't love yourself, how in the world can you love someone else?" Or rather "If you can't love yourself, how can you expect anyone to love you the way you deserve?" I hope that makes sense on many levels. If you have time throughout your day, here are two affirmations you can view at your own leisure that I personally like: Positive Affirmations for Self Love, Self Esteem, Confidence and 75+ Affirmations For Self-Love | Affirm Your Self-Worth, Self Confidence | A Brand New You | Manifest. There's a book I had borrowed from the Queens Public Library titled: The Practical Witch's Love Spell Book for Passion, Romance, and Desire by Cerridwen Greenleaf and illustrated by Mara Penny. It's a pretty cool book to read if you're looking for love or helping someone out with finding love. Best time to attract positive things into your life, please follow the moon phases for the best possible outcome and best time to perform positive spiritual work is during the Waxing Moon [refer to Moon Giant Calendar and Candle Spell How-To Guide]. In witchcraft, a "waxing" moon signifies a growing, increasing energy, ideal for manifestation energy; and attracting such things. Best of luck and I'm not looking to get too carried away with this. Carry on children!
- Assist in Finding Work: Attraction Oil; Attraction Sachet Powder; Come to Me Oil; Come to Me Sachet Powder; Desire Me; Deliverance Oil; Fix Boss Oil; Fix Boss Sachet Powder; Hire Me Oil/Perfume (this link may take you to the 3rd I Product but you'd have to type in Hire Me); Job Oil; Job Sachet Powder; Job Hunting Soap; Open Roads Oil; Open Road Sachet Powder; Steady Work Oil; Steady Work Sachet Powder; Steady Work 7 1 Color Prayer Candle Green; Find a Job Kit; and Affirmation For Dream Job Success | 21 days Attract Job | Positive Affirmation Meditation | Manifest.
- Assure Justice in Legal Proceedings: Court Case Oil; Court Case Sachet Powder; Court Case 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle; Court Case Incense Powder; Court Case Custom Big Al Candle; Court Case 14 Day Prepared Candle; and Win in Court Kit.
- Attract Friends: Attraction Oil: Attraction Sachet Powder; Open Roads; Open Roads Sachet Powder; and a 7 Day Pull Out Candle White or a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Pink will do.
- Attract Good Fortune: Cat Candle Green; Catnip Herb; Open Roads Oil; Open Roads Sachet Powder.
- Attract Love: 7 Day Pull Out Candle White; 7 Day Pull Out Candle Pink; 7 Day Pull Out Candle Red; Love Drawing Candle 7 Day; Attraction Oil; Attraction Sachet Powder; Come to Me Oil; Come to Me Sachet Powder; Desire Me Oil; Glow of Attraction Oil; Love Oil; Love Soap; Open Road Oil; Open Road Sachet Powder; Powerful Love Affirmation For Singles To Attract Soulmate Love, Romance, Marriage | Manifest; and this affirmation are for the ladies, Attract True Love For Women | Affirmation For Single Women | Manifest Series | Attract Your Dream Man.
- Attract Money: Cat Candle Green; Catnip Herb; Mr. Money Incense Stick 10 1/2; Open Road Oil; Open Road Sachet Powder; Gutner's Pure Clover Honey 100% Natural (Bear); Badia Cinnamon Sticks.
- Brighten One's View of the Future: Open Roads Oil; Open Roads Sachet Powder; 7 Day Pull Out Candle White.
- Bring Customers to One's Business: Better Business Bracelet; Pick Up Business 14 Day Prepared Candle; Better Business Candle; Saint Peter 7 Day Saint Candle; Magnetic Grains for Business; Business & Finance Incense Powder; Better Business Oil; Goldenseal Root; Pyrite Money Tree; Crystal Gemstone Prosperity Tree; Feng Shui Money Tree with Peony Seeds; M-8 Schemhamphoras #1 Seal; and Luck & Money Kit.
- Cause Business to Flourish: Better Business Custom Big Al Candle; Pick Up Business 14 Day Prepared Candle; Better Business 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle; Saint Peter 7 Day Saint Candle; Better Business Oil; Mucha Gente Perfume; Business & Finance Incense Powder; Magnetic Grains for Business; Call Clients Soap; Marjoram Leaves; Goldenseal Root; Pyrite Money Tree; Crystal Gemstone Prosperity Tree; Feng Shui Money Tree with Peony Seeds; and Luck & Money Kit.
- Clarity of Mind
- Cleanse the Heart and Mind:
- Cleanse the Heart of Malice: Heart Chakra Affirmations - Love Yourself Deeply; Affirmations To Heal Broken Hearts | Healing Heartbreak | Release Suffering and Move On | Manifest;
- Expand One's Psychic Abilities: Anise Oil; Awaken Your Intuition & Psychic Abilities, Guided Meditation;
- Find Fulfillment in Work: Find a Job Kit
- Find Love Each and Every Day: Powerful Love Affirmations For Singles To Attract Soulmate Love, Romance, Marriage | Manifest; Positive Affirmations To Attract Love | Soulmate Love Affirmations | Law of Attraction | Manifest.
- For A Happy Marriage: Positive Affirmations For A Happy Married Life | Healthy Relationship With Our Life Partner.
- For Health: Health Custom Big Al Candle; Healing Candle; Healing Oil; Dr. Gregorio Hernandez 7 Day Saint Candle (and/or) Saint Lazarus 7 Day Saint Candle Yellow; Saint Lazarus Oil; Radiant Health Sachet Powder.
- Help in Finding A New Dwelling: 7 Day Pull Out Candle Brown; 14 Day Plain Brown Candle; New Home" Affirmations! (Manifest your dream home!) ~ 432 Hz;
- Improve Financial Conditions: Cat Green Candle; Catnip Herb: Prosperity Incense Stick 10 1/2"; Gunter's Pure Clover Honey 100% Natural (Bear); Badia Cinnamon Sticks; Caridad del Cobre 7 Day Saint Candle; Caridad del Cobre 14 Day Prayer Candle Caridad del Cobre Oil; Saint Jude 7 Day Saint Candle; Saint Jude 14 Day Prayer Candle; Saint Jude Oil; Saint Jude Sachet Powder.
- Increase One's Speaking Abilities
- Intensify Psychic Talents: Anise Oil; and Intensify Psychic Talents Candle.
- Justice in Court Cases: Just Judge Oil; Just Judge Sachet Powder; Justice Oil; 7 Day Just Judge Candle Red; and Win In Court Kit. If it's for child support, you'll need: Caridad Del Cobre 14 Day Prayer Candle; Caridad Del Cobre 7 Day Saint Candle Yellow; Caridad del Cobre Oil. You'll need to burn the Caridad del Cobre halfway before lighting Saint Jude. Make sure you have a picture of the other parent and child in the picture along with a petition written on parchment paper to be placed under the Caridad del Cobre candle.
- Keep a Happy Heart and Joyful Attitude:
- Keep the Home Happy: Peace in the Home Oil; Peace In The Home Sachet Powder; Peace in the Home Bath & Floor Wash; Peace In The Home 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle; and Peace in the Home Incense Powder.
- Peace of Mind: Peace Oil; Peace Sachet Powder; and Peace 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle.
- Prosper in Business:
- Receive Healing Rays
- Restore Child's Health
- Serenity and Peace of Mind
- Soothe and Quiet the Nerves
- Success in Business:
-Banishing Vibes-
"But no matter how much evil I see, I think it's important for everyone to understand that there is much more light than darkness." ~ Robert Uttaro
In regards of performing banishing rituals, be mindful as to what you're doing because depending your intentions of the outcome and keep in mind that whatever energy you put out there can come back to you times three, please keep that in mind always! If it involves sending someone packing, just have a clear mind on where you'd want the said individual to relocate to another country and remain there permanently and never come back. It's best not to make this into a habit because as they say, karma is a bitch and it's not going to be pretty but at least allow the universe take care of these people for you. I'd also suggest do each ritual a minimum of five times during the Waxing Moon or Waning Moon over the course of five months and for the final time, purchase a 14 Day Plain Brown Candle. For the first four months, purchase three 7 Day Pull Out Candle Brown (with the glass) and one brown candle without the glass. If you choose to purchase a fourteen day candle for the fourth month and fifth month to give it a boost, be my guest in buying an extra fourteen day brown candle to give it a boost. Always practice good judgement before you get involved with spiritual work, both positive and negative; the good, the bad and the ugly! Have faith that this will work! Don't lose faith. In witchcraft, essentially, "waxing" is associated with growth and building, while "waning" is connected with decline and release. Waning Moon represents decline, letting go, and releasing negativity. Used for spells related to banishing unwanted things, breaking bad habits, and cleansing rituals. Think of the moon "waning" away, shrinking and losing its light.
- Against Evil Tongues
- Break a Hex: Uncrossing Custom Big Al Candle; Uncrossing Custom Big Al Candle; 7 Day Spell Breaker Candle; Jinx Removing Oil; Spell Breaker Oil;
- Break Unhealthy or Harmful Habits
- Compel Enemies to Become Meek
- Create Havoc Among Evil Doers
- Destroy Any Enemy's Power: Destroy Your Enemy Candle; San Alejo 7 Day Saint Candle; Saint Alejo Oil; Saint Alejo Sachet Powder; 7 Day San Deshacedor Pull Out Candle; San Deshacedor Oil; Forget Oil; Forget Sachet Powder; Go Away Evil Soap; Go Away Evil Incense Stick 10 1/2"
- Destroy Envy
- Destroy One's Enemies
- Destroy Satanic Forces
- Eliminate Opponents: Destroy Everything 14 Day Prepared Candle; Destroy Your Enemy Candle; 7 Day San Deshacedor Pull Out Candle (Side note: there's a Saint Deshacedor prayer in 'Helping Yourself With Selected Prayer Volume 2', page 111); San Deshacedor Oil; Forget Oil; Forget Sachet Powder;
- Exorcise Demons
- Exorcise An Evil Spirit
- Help Against Enemies: San Alejo 7 Day Saint Candle; San Alejo Oil; Saint Alejo Saint Powder;
- Overcome Crossed Conditions
- Overcome Jealousy
- Overcome Malicious Gossip
- Quiet the Tongues of Those Who Gossip
- Punish Liars and Violent Men
- Still the Voices of Rumor Mongers
- Suppress Evil Doers: 7 Day Pull Out Candle Black; Reversible Triple Action Big Al Candle; Reversible Oil; Double Reversible 14 Day Prepared Candle; Reversible Sachet Powder; Reversible Incense Powder; and Reversible Soap.
- Suppress Liars
- When Deserted by Friends
- When Friends Have Betrayed You
"Religion is meant to teach us true spiritual human character. It is meant for self-transformation. It is meant to transform anxiety into peace, arrogance into humility, envy into compassion, to awaken the pure soul in man and his love for the Source, which is God." ~ Radhanath Swami
Always practice good judgment before you get involved with any or all spiritual work, both positive and negative; the good, the bad and the ugly. Have faith that this will work. It's going to take a while and it's not going to happen right this second. Give your spiritual work time for the universe to fully grasp your wishes and be careful in what you wish for! If you're looking to do candle Magick just because you personally don't like an individual(s), don't do it for that particular reason or it'll come back to bite you in the arse sooner or later and it'll work best if you feel that your life is in danger of an ex or whomever. If an ex is violent, do what you can spiritually while working with the police. Although, I can imagine the police saying: "There's nothing we can do or unless if you've been attacked." Ain't that something? They'll wait until you're dead before they do anything for you. I'm skeptical regarding an Order of Protection because I've heard horror stories on how the ex-husband/estranged husband goes after his estranged wife and murders her to avoid paying child and or spousal support, stories like this you can watch on Dateline or 20/20. Do what you have to do to protect yourself and your children from harm and even if this means taking up Mixed Martial Arts classes near you (depending on your current budget). In the process, use safety and precaution when using candles, never leave them unattended for safety reasons (that is if you want to have a place to come home to at the end of the day). I would suggest reading Powers of the Orishas for additional information because there are prayers in both Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers books and be sure to use these books in good faith. All I know is once when you're initiated into the Santeria faith you'd have to wear all white for one year and it's not going to be as fun if you're a young woman who is still experiencing her monthly friend (depending on how heavy your menstrual cycles are because I know mine is heavy due to the birth control I'm using, which is an IUD). I realize Santeria have nothing to do with witchcraft and for a better understanding, watch this video: Santeria - Fusion of the Gods. Interview with a Santero. Documentary. So far it's an interesting history of Santeria. I still have a lot to learn when it comes down to such spiritual faiths and a lot of devotion as well. I hope I'm going to drive myself crazy with the new found information and knowledge of Santeria. This will be a very interesting journey learning more about the Orishas as I go along in life and where I stand with learning more about the Orishas, I currently find this to be very intimidating because I don't know a whole lot about it until I feel comfortable knowing more and more about them! All in all, I will recommend four books depending on where you're currently at the moment. Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers; Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers Volume #2; Powers of the Orishas: Santeria & the Worship of Saints by Migene Gonzalez - Wippler; and Powers of the Psalms.
- The Strange Reality of Religion
- What Everyone Ought To Know About Spiritual Experience
- Spiritual Practice