Thursday, March 23, 2023

Not a girly girl? Boudoir for the everyday woman

"A lady never shows her soul outside the boudoir." ~ Shonda Rimes, Year of Yes

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. 🧘🏾‍♀️ As I'm hanging out at Starbucks waiting for my laundry to finish at the laundromat around my way and I've been looking into boudoir photography. I've heard of boudoir in the past but never considered the concept of doing boudoir photography whatsoever and it may not be a bad idea because I'd rather keep my options open as a source of additional income. So far, I've found several articles online in regards of boudoir and what caught my attention when I was searching for articles to post on Twitter. I've come across The Growing Popularity and Creative Versatility of Boudoir Photography first and then I also came across How Boudoir Photos Are Redefining Sexy. Let's get into the technical bits and pieces of what Boudoir photography is and it started in the 1890's as lewd or obscene photos in France. However, this concept became more public in the 1920's, long story short, this type of photography was popularized by Albert Arthur Allen in the United States and you can read the History of Boudoir Photography at your own leisure. Being able to do a project on boudoir photography will be an interesting experience and I hope to turn this into a book that will eventually be on Blurb Books! I am very much looking forward to booking these photo shoots! Here are the top three videos for your viewing at your own leisure: Long History of Boudoir Photography; WHAT IS BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHY (AND HOW TO GET STARTED); and Intro to Boudoir Photography (for beginners!). It's going to be very interesting trying to list each video in order in the upcoming paragraphs without overloading our minds with all these videos and articles. I had originally found thirteen videos and two articles.

"The key to feeling absolutely alive in your own skin lies in your ability to transform or channel your hardships and dark shadows into sensual energy." ~ Lebo Grand

If you're like me, just starting out and for now, let YouTube be your best friend and guide! When you're not sure where to begin, feel free to begin with these videos on the whole boudoir experience, whether you're a photographer or a model and I hope these videos are helpful to many of you. Keep an open mind when it comes down to boudoir photography, whether a beginner or a seasoned boudoir photographer. Let's begin with How Much Is a Boudoir Photo Shoot | #AskaPhotographer with Mike Lloyd; How Much to Charge For Boudoir Photography | Mike Lloyd's Boudoir Guild; Earning +$90,000 in a Month as a Professional Boudoir Photographer; and 5 Tips for Variety on a Budget | Beginner? Boudoir photography without a studio, wardrobe, etc.?; How To Learn Boudoir Photography Fast (8 Tips); Boudoir Prep: 3 Tips To Help You Prepare For Your Session. I hope these will help you take off with your Boudoir Photography business and I wish you best of luck on your endeavors and success! I personally haven't been checking out other works of fellow boudoir photographers who have this type of [boudoir] photography and I'm open to this experience of boudoir photography. If you're not looking to "offend" anyone, specifically if you're a male and I'm going to suggest checking out this video: What NOT To Say at a Boudoir Photo Shoot and communication is key at photo shoots of almost any kind, not including live performances (meaning concerts). It's a learning curve when it comes to photography, especially boudoir photography and I have a lot to learn when it comes down to boudoir photography along with the history of boudoir photography. You don't have to be a Victoria's Secret model [skinny] to be boudoir model! If you're looking to avoid losing a potential client, watch this video: How To Eliminate Price Shopping Inquiries for Photographers and it's very interesting. If you've never modeled before, stay tuned for more information!

"Confidence is the ability to feel beautiful without needing someone to tell you." ~ Mandy Hale

As many of you already know, this blog was born with the idea/intention of photography in mind and I've written random things in the past as well. If you've never done anything to do with posing people, here are several videos for you to watch: How To Pose People Who Are NOT MODELS *Top 10 Pose Ideas From a Photographer*; Posing Tips for Women; TOP Boudoir POSES - Flow Posing on the Chair; and 30+ Male Boudoir Photography Ideas For A Seductive Photoshoot. As mentioned before, I'm looking to do a project that involves self-publishing books and all that jazz on Blurb Books in the near future, which will be very, very exciting indeed! It'll be an amazing experience and yet gratifying at the same time and it feels like Christmas when you get the film and contact sheets from B&H! If you're looking to book potential clients for a boudoir photo shoot, here is a video for your viewing: How To Advertise Boudoir Photography | Mike Lloyd's Boudoir Guild and best to do your research before going down the rabbit hole of boudoir photography. If you're not familiar with Photoshop, best to learn via YouTube until you're confident enough to begin booking photo shoots and here is your final video on editing titled: Editing Boudoir Photography in Lightroom & Photoshop #3. I hope this blog is helpful on your journey of photography but you don't want to go too deep down the rabbit hole of boudoir photography but just enough to have knowledge of and pass on the knowledge to the next person! Best of luck.

Blessed be,

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