Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My Postal Ligation Surgery Story

"The absence of doll babies in my toy chest didn't serious influence my later decision not to become a mother; rather, I disdained Hasbro's Baby Alive wetting doll because I was already the kind of girl who would grow up to be childless by choice." ~ Lionel Shriver

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. It's been a month since I've had my tubal ligation done and I have absolutely no regrets in getting my tubes tied. I have my personal reasons as to why I got my tubes tied and it feels right to me. I will be completely honest with you; I've never had that maternal desire for motherhood, and I regret not getting my tubes tied ages ago. Had I gotten my tubes tied a long time ago, I would have had more time to focus on my studies, get my career going, pay off any existing debt, and travel the world, guilt free of course. Where I'm at in life as we speak, I'm not ready to settle down because I want to have my own adventures before I feel ready to settle down and I feel very tempted in getting married just to get the fuck away from my mother! [Anything is better than having to continue living under the same roof as my mother. I honestly cannot stand my own mother, if you've witness how she is with me, you'd see through her bullshit!] I'm looking to stay out of jail for as long as I can and I'm willing to couch surf. I'm getting off track by talking about my mother and I do want to change my own situation for the positive so I wouldn't end up in jail for something I shouldn't have done if you catch my drift. When I have my finances together (sooner than later), I'll take a trip to Original Botanica for some candles to use either for my mother or myself and I'll most likely use the candles for myself. Anyway, a month into having my tubal ligation done, I have zero regrets and I'm very happy that I've gotten my tubes tied. As mentioned before, I regret not getting my tubes tied because I've never wanted children and had I gotten my tubes tied, I wouldn't be where I'm at as we speak if I'd gotten my tubes tied.

"I'm a childless woman, yet I felt no maternal urges whatsoever. The prospect of years of broken nights and nappy changes holds no appeal for me." ~ Kiki Dee

When I had gotten my tubes tied a month ago, I honestly didn't feel any pain or discomfort post procedure. Truth be told, there'd been moments when I've expressed interest in wanting to get my tubes tied and my gynecologist would say I'm "too young to have" my tubes tied. Nope, I know my situation; I know where I'm at in life and by the time I am ready to settle down, I will most likely be in my 50s or 60s [whenever]. I have a 5mm incision, well three 5mm incisions and hope the scars will be less and less noticeable as time goes on. Before the procedure, they give you these wipes to "clean" yourself the day before and the day of your appointment. With each wipe, first wipe is for one arm; second wipe your other arm; third wipe is for your torso; fourth is for one leg; fifth is for the other leg; and the sixth is for your back. The nurse will give you a form to sign and bring in the next day. You'll be informed not to eat or drink anything from midnight until after your procedure. On the day of my procedure, I brought in the forms, the receptionist didn't ask for the forms the morning of the procedure. Don't ask why. After my procedure, it felt like I'd done a bunch of sit-ups and that's how it felt. Other than that, I've had a positive experience. A day or two later, I ended up breaking out from whatever they used to clean me up with. My torso and upper thighs areas that were affected by whatever they used on me to clean me. A week later I went to have it checked it out cuz I'm thinking to myself the first several days (same week of procedure before going a week later), I'm like "Is this normal to be itchy?" From what I understand is that it must have been whatever they've used. When I had my official post op appointment, I've mentioned it to the doctor who did the operation was saying I have sensitive skin because I was pretty nervous as to why I was feeling itchy. That would explain a lot. As of late, the itchiness is slowly going away, and I'd have to invest in some moisturizers for areas where the doctor had cleaned me up. When I woke up, my throat was a bit sore since there was as a tube down my throat and felt bloated for several days but it'll go away with time. It's not going to last forever.

"I'm completely happy not having children. I mean, everybody does not have to live in the same way. And as somebody said, "Everybody with a womb doesn't have to have a child any more than everybody with vocal cords has to be an opera singer." ~ Gloria Steinem

Menstrual cycle wise, I haven't had my menstrual cycle since mid-April, and long story short, I had my Depo-Provera shot in February (it's a birth control shot good for every three months). I had a near month long menstrual cycle from late March into mid-April and this was not a pleasant experience. In May, I was going to speak to my gynecologist regarding getting my tubes tied and she was the one to mention tubal ligation (I was shocked). I honestly don't know why I was given the Depo-Provera shot a month before my tubal ligation surgery, and it makes no sense to be given the Depo-Provera shot! Since the surgery, I've been spotting since having my tubes tied and I'm assuming it's normal to spot post-surgery. When I do get my menstrual cycle, I hope my periods aren't as bad as it sounds with cramps. I've had a history of irregular menstrual cycles and so far, I'm enjoying not experiencing my monthly visitor. Who knows if the reason why I'm currently not having my menstrual cycle is most likely due to the Depo shot I had in May or I may be in the very early stages of menopause. I had asked my gynecologist regarding menopause, she was saying most women experience menopause roughly around 51 years of age, often time younger than 51 and I'm only 41! Before I forget to mention, I had mentioned to my mom in regards of getting my tubes tied a month ago, she thought it was a good idea and she made a fucked up snarky comment about me sleeping around! [Dude, what in the actual fuck?] You know what, at least I'm able to get more dick instead of making snarky comments. It's like seriously? Shut the fuck up for once in her life and I don't need her obnoxious snarky commentary nonsense. She needs one of two things, she either needs to get laid or her second option is to invest in smoking marijuana and she's not going to die from an overdose (no matter how hard she attempts of overdosing on marijuana). This is why I don't want to be at home because of my mother's fucking obnoxious behavior.

Blessed be,


Saturday, March 2, 2024

March is Developmental Disabilities Month

"Recognizing and respecting difference in others and treating everyone like you want them to treat you, will help make our world a better place for everyone. Care... be your best. You don't have to be handicapped to be different. Everyone is different!" ~ Kim Peek

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namasté. 🧘🏾‍♀️ As many of you may or may not be aware of, March is Developmental Disabilities Month, and I may write a little something in October as well since Americans observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month. In this particular blog, we'll focus more on resources on services, however, I'm not sure what services are currently available in other states outside of New York City and I'll include places where people with disabilities can receive evaluations. I hope these resources help those who don't know where to go or have a social worker to help them along the way in life and it's going to be a journey in applying for programs such as OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities). Here is a video on what OPWDD has to offer what services they have to offer: OPWDD Services and best of luck on your journey. If you're a New York City resident, and looking to be a part of OPWDD, I believe you'll need a current evaluation from Queens Center for Progress, an I.E.P (Individualized Education Program) from high school just in case but I highly doubt they'll need it (don't quote me on it but do your research anyway to keep yourself covered). It's a process, and best to stay on top of things so things will go smoothly. If you reside in another state such as Florida, and feel free to research what's available in a city near you! You have until you are 21 to pass all of your RCT's (Regents Competency Tests) and not many people are aware of this knowledge but it's good to know anyway.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." ~ Muhammad Ali

It's not easy living life with a disability, especially an intellectual disability and speech impediment but it does not mean I'm incompetent or that you have the legal right to treat me any less different than anyone else, especially if I've never done anything to you. As the saying goes, treat others the way you want to be treated because at some point in your own life you'll get your own karma coming your way sooner or later. For people such as myself, life is not living life with an intellectual disability such as a learning disability and a speech impediment. I have a hard time pronouncing peninsula and vanilla. I've had people say they "haven't noticed a speech impediment" whenever I text them, however, I'm not sure if they're being polite by saying they haven't (allegedly) noticed a speech impediment as to not to hurt my feelings and causing me to feel even more self-conscious when I speak and I don't need to feel any more self-conscious than I already am when I speak. It can be quite frustrating at times but it's not easy either and who says it has to be easy? As mentioned before, it's not easy living life with an intellectual disability and speech impediment. It takes me longer to learn something new and all I ask for is for patience when dealing with me! I'm just as human as anyone else and no, I'm not trying to gain sympathy from people just because of my disabilities and I'm simply saying it hasn't always been easy but at times this can be frustrating at times.

"When it comes to diversity and with disabilities, we always need to find a way to express who we are in our own ways." ~ Jamie Brewer, actress

If you're seeking employment opportunities, there's Adult Career and Continuing Education Services - Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES - VR) and General Human Outreach, I'm not sure what other supportive employment programs are currently available outside of and within OPWDD because I am in the process of getting my son, Stephan into the OPWDD program and I'm hoping to receive services through GHO for Family Support Services. My son is on the (autistic) spectrum but is functional, meaning he is able to do the basic things such as brushing his teeth, taking care of his bathroom needs (taking bathroom breaks and freshening up, meaning taking showers), feeding himself, communicating (he's verbal), etc. Other than that, I'm not sure what other supportive employment programs are available, and I hope to find more information through my son's case manager through Tri-County Care or through a social worker or possibility through his teachers at his high school. Once when I have more information, I will be sure to pass that information onto you once when they become available!

"The most interesting people you'll find are the ones that don't fit into your average cardboard box. They'll make what they need, they'll make their own boxes." ~ Dr. Temple Grandin, professor with autism

Last but not least, there's CIDNY and OPWDD Housing Option and Resources at your earliest convenience. The video is informative in my opinion, and I hope you find the video to be useful yet helpful. Since life here in New York City is expensive as it is, especially if you wish to have a place to call your own and the rent is scary expensive as it is, especially if you wish to have a place to call your own and my personal goal is to eventually have a place to call my own. However, my budget currently does not allow me to live on my own because I do not earn enough to live on my own and I'm certain there are resources for low-income families. Anything is better than having to live with my mother! When I have additional information on affordable housing, I will be sure to include that information on here so you'd be up to date and have this type of knowledge for yourselves.

Blessed be,


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Winter Skincare Routines for Every Age

 "All the makeup in the world won't make a difference without great skincare." ~ Khloe Kardashian

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namasté. 🧘🏽‍♀️ As I'm sitting here at Starbucks on Valentine's Day around my way with a Venti sized Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino Blended Beverage with Vanilla Sweet Cream (may I add) and I'm pretty sure I'm giving that Carrie Bradshaw vibe so far. Since this is Valentine's Day, I treated myself to a Siren Logo Plastic Hot Cup - 16 fl oz since I want to be all fancy and will eventually treat myself to a gel manicure around Mother's Day weekend. Heck, this is way better than being home and for now I'm going to focus on writing this blog before heading home and this may be a three-part self-care over the course of three future blogs within the next three years, no rush. This blog is going to be interesting to write since there's going to be so much to research, but this blog is solely based on personal experiences. I have no particular skincare routine where it's very simple and direct or rather straightforward, whichever term you wish to use on your own accord at this point. In a future blog, I may do a self-care date idea for couples since I've recently entered, officially twenty-five days ago and I do want to give it time to bloom before I take notes and observe what works best for us. Keep in mind, with any skincare products I mention may or may not be best appropriate for many and my best advice is to give it a try for at least a full ninety days. I will advise to write about your three-month skincare routine of what works best for you, and you can give three different skincare routine over the course of nine months, three full months per cleanse products. Once when you find your new skincare product, heck, go for it and what have you got to lose? This may be a follow up to 'What Beauty Secrets?' and I honestly was going to redo that blog over but I'm glad I hadn't done so at this point! I have several secrets as to not looking a day over 25 is drink enough water; limit your alcohol intake to socially and same goes with drugs (cocaine, heroin, etc); ladies, limit how much you use makeup; of course, watch your diet and if you have the time and energy, exercise. Keep in mind I am in my early 40s and I don't look a day over 25! At the end of the day, it's all in how you take care of yourself and make yourself a first priority. If you're not in the best of health, how can you take care of your family and how can you make the bills in time if you aren't in the best of health? Your best bet is to check out this video: ULTIMATE Skincare Routine for GLASS Skin and I don't wash my face twice a day. I wash my face once a day before bed time! I'm just saying and do what's best for you. My best advice is to speak with a dermatologist on which cleanser is best for you.

-Clean & Clear-

"I like my skin best when it's clean and glowy, and that comes from sleep, hydration, and happiness." ~ Tracee Ellis Ross

Let's begin with Clean & Clear Relaxing Deep Cleaning Face Wash, 8 Fluid ounce. At some point I've used this product, and I don't have much negative experience. I do use it before going to bed and especially after coming home from work, a date or a night out with friends. Mostly when you've arrived home from wherever (work, date, wherever) and your face will thank you for it. Try it for three months before moving onto your next skincare product. I liked how it made my face feel, however, it's been a mission searching for Clean & Clear in regular retail stores such as CVS, Rite Aid, Target, Walgreens. Seems like the only places I can get Clean & Clear is from Amazon and on a good day, I'll find it at any of these stores. If not, I'll order it from Amazon when time permits in doing so, budget wise for when I can but no rush at the moment. Once when it's in my budget, I'll order some Clean & Clear from Amazon and will redo this portion of the blog. You can also look around at various different Stop & Shop grocery stores for Clean & Clear facial products. It's always good to pamper yourself at the end of the day.


"I am most particular about moving all my makeup and keeping my skin clean before I go to bed. No matter how tired I am or how hectic my day has been, I always make it a point to take it off." ~ Deepika Padukone

I often use Noxzema, it's been a hot minute since I've gotten to use Noxzema for a good half hour to forty-five minutes. When I have a zit or two or any unsightly blemishes on my face, I take a dab of Noxzema and place the dab on each of the blemishes and leave it on overnight. Normally, by morning, it's gone and often times I still have the blemishes on my face. It takes several days for it to go away and I figured I'd add Noxzema to this list of self-care products I normally use. However, I use Noxzema when I shave my legs, down there, and armpits. A majority of the time when I've finished shaving my legs, I use Johnson's baby oil or Well Beginnings Baby Oil afterwards, well, mostly when I come out of the shower. I buy whichever baby oil is on sale, such as buy one and second is free, that type of deal and especially when you're on a budget!!! Not to sound frugal or anything of that nature. I don't always use baby oil on my legs or unless it's summer time and have plans to go to Fort Totten Pool or the beach. I have zero complaints on using Noxzema and haven't had any issues in using Noxzema.


"I try to do simple but effective things to keep my skin looking healthy and flawless. I drink tons and tons of water. Also, I believe in eating right. You are what you eat." ~ Anushka Sharma

Next up is Differin Cleanse Daily Oil-Free Hydrating Cleanser and Differin Gel Adapalene Gel 0.1%. I personally like how it makes my face feel at the end of the day. I often use Differin Restorative Night Moisturizer when needed and I need to moisturize more often just to upkeep my youthfulness. There's more to skincare routine and good genetics, it's all in how you take care of yourself. It's simple small beauty hacks. Whenever I have blemishes on my face, it drives me up the wall, and it drives me crazy! Since I have Differin Adapalene Gel, I use it before bed and it helps with time, don't expect immediate result. Be consistent when using Differin each night since this particular product is a bit on the expensive side, use it sparingly in order for it to last longer. When using the Differin Adapalene Gel, follow it up with the moisturizer, and it's up to you if you want to rinse it off or leave it on. I personally leave it on, and I don't bother rinsing it off in the end. Of course, the moisturizer leaves my face feeling soft and I love it! Result may vary per person. If you have any issues with acne, speak with a dermatologist regarding which skincare product you should try.


"Looking good is about having a good base. It's about taking care of your skin." ~ Halle Berry

Once when I've finished using Differin Cleanse Daily Oil-Free Hydrating Cleanser and Differin Restorative Night Moisturizer, I intend on going to Sephora and try their vegan facial products. Yet, I'm pretty sure these items are overpriced and in due time, I'll give it a try when time permits, especially when it's in my budget to shop at Sephora for their vegan facial products. If you have any suggestions in regards of which facial cleanser I should try next, feel free to drop a comment and a like below. I'm open to trying something different and as long as it doesn't break the bank just to look good. I've found a list of vegan skincare cleanser for those who are vegan, and it does not have to be limited to Sephora but it's a suggestion from me to you on this Valentine's Day! I'm totally open to trying different facial cleansers and seeing how my experience is once when I find the right facial cleansers as long it's not "tested on animals" than I should be alright.

-In Conclusion-

In conclusion to this blog, it's a little Valentine's Day self-care tip from me to you. As stated previously, this may or may not be my only self-care blog for those curious enough to know what my skincare routine is and if you're curious enough to try any of my skincare routine, it's fine by me. Not everyone is going to have the time or the energy to be as committed to their skincare routine whether if you're a busy parent or just overall busy with everyday life. It's important to make time for yourself but I'm not going to convince you and it's entirely up to you. As long as you're able to find time to spend time alone, away from people and even it means treating yourself to a nail salon or out to dinner, but it does not have to be fancy nor expensive. If it's in your budget, go for it and don't be afraid to treat yourself well! If you want to have nice youthful skin, drink lots of water; be mindful of your diet; and exercise on the daily. If your time is limited, do what you have to do and even if this means waking up two hours earlier than usual in the morning to squeeze in some exercise, whether if it's cardio or yoga or whatever tickles your fancy at the moment. Make sure you get a good night's rest which also helps and always be sure to laugh throughout your day, even if you're having a bad day. Happy self-care and don't forget to take care of yourself!

Blessed be,
