Saturday, December 31, 2022

Lets' Make The New Year Magical

"Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Good morning; afternoon; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. Happy New Year. There are several things I hope to change up in the New Year and work towards my own personal goals, one of them saving up so I can eventually leave the New York City area [indefinitely]. I already know or rather I have an idea on where I'd want to relocate to but want to give myself roughly five and a half years from now to have my necessary resources together such as having money in my bank account for things such as furniture; the necessary appliances for the kitchen and the basic items for around the home then I'll hook up my place afterwards to the point it'll be way cooler than other people's homes. 🤔 I want to have a creative input into my home but will often sage my home after each time I have people over, especially soirées (just sounds fancier than saying party). Hopefully by then I should have my driver's license because I want to have that freedom of being able to come and go whenever I please since public transportation isn't anything like here in New York City (I've heard buses run every hour or so in other states outside of New York City such as Virginia or even in Buffalo) once when I leave NYC. Another goal I would like to work towards is to pay off an existing debt in hopes by mid to late April, if not, by mid to late May and once when I've paid off any existing debt, I'll begin save up for a place of my own which will take time and effort (blood, sweat, tears, dedication, and perseverance). Once when my existing debt is paid off, I'll check out real estate somewhere in New Mexico to have a general idea whether if New Mexico is someplace that is in my budget if it exists and I have my reasons why I've picked New Mexico instead of Las Vegas, Nevada; I don't need for my mother to call my sister, Gwen and have her "check up" on me just to make sure I'm "staying out of trouble." That's the scenario I've pictured in my mind as a result of me moving out and by all means, if my mother feels she "needs" assistance with paying maintenance, then let her get in contact with the "friend" whom she stole from me (gee, what's that chick's name again that currently resides in Atlanta, GA?), Nargiss and see if Nargiss would come back to New York to help her pay half the maintenance or get her stepson, Michael to help her. Oh right, we haven't seen or heard from him and his wife, Iryna since Michael's father's (Mark) death January of 2020. It doesn't bother me much any that the pedophile is no longer with us but karma is a bitch and no love lost there, I didn't even cry at my stepfathers funeral but just acted sad whenever people gave their condolences (I couldn't careless about that pedophile for the most part but I need to heal).

I already know what I want to purchase for when I finally move out and have to shop around for furniture but these are for the bedroom, not all of it. Just of things I hope to save up for once when I move out are: Freestanding Closet Black/Silver - Room Essentials; Corner Cube Bookshelf White - Room Essentials; Wisremt White Closet Shelf Divider Board, PP Durable Wardrobe Organizing Classification Compartments; Authnature Blessing Only Good May Enter Here Wiccan Blessing Wicca Prayer Protection Aluminum Weatherproof Metal Sign Custom Personalized Tin Sign Wall Decor Housewarming Gift 8X10 Inch; 2 Pieces Witch Bells Protection for Door Knob Hanger Wiccan Wind Chimes Witchy Things Clear Negative Energy Attracts Positive Witchcraft Wicca Supplies for Boho Home Room Decor; Witchy Wooden Box Sign Desk Decor 5x5 Inch It's a Sage Burning Crystal Collecting Tarot Reading Moon Admiring Kinda Girl Wood Block Box Sign Gothic Home Decor. Just to name a few and there will be plenty more as time goes on... Once when I move into my new residence, that is when I'll go out of my way to fix/decorate my new home the way I like it! 😁

In regards of fitness and nutrition, I want to get into doing more yoga as I've been doing a lot of as of late. I want to get into the vegan lifestyle because I want to get off Metformin and lead a healthier lifestyle. My goal is to (set aside from financial) get my weight down to 125 - 130 pounds and if it was in my budget, I'd hire a personal trainer. Who knows, I may open a fourth CD account for fitness purposes or possibility of liposuction and I realize it's very expensive in the thousands of dollars. Liposuction is my last resort. I hope to shop around for a blender so I can make smoothies from 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by J.J Smith. I'm doing this for me and my health. As of late, I've been doing Rodney Yee's Yoga for Your Week and I love how I feel after I've done the A.M. Connection segment. This segment is generally roughly fifteen minutes long, however it's 8 minutes and twelve seconds long, that's YouTube for you! Other yoga DVD's I'll recommend are Element: Daily Yoga; Targeted Yoga; and Yoga for Belly, Butt & Thighs With Chrissy Carter. Of course, you're not going to hear of every yoga instructor which is fine but be opened minded. I do have another yoga DVD I have but never had the opportunity to check this DVD out, Element: Barre Conditioning and have to go to Best Buy for a new DVD player in the upcoming months when it's in my budget to buy a new DVD player.

"You don't have to feel guilty for cutting them off. It was the right thing to do. And believe me, if it were the other way around. They would have done the same thing too. Choose you, always you." ~ R.M Drake

Just being able to say no more often and not be afraid of the word no, even if it angers the individual. I am a people pleaser and I will yes people to death just to shut people up without actually meaning it. Plus, cut certain people out of my life permanently; even if it means going out of my way deleting your phone number off my contact list for good and I want to visually watch you delete my contact information along with all text messages (this includes all WhatsApp messages as well). I'm not dropping any names for this particular individual because I've already began the process of blocking this individual but will gradually delete all this person's messages. If you attempt of contacting me whatsoever, just know that all of your phone calls go to voicemail, just know that I've blocked you and it's for our own good!!! I've also had to block this other person, Joe, a guy whom I've met at Boost Mobile in August because this guy is purely incompetent and a laughing stock. This guy even threatened to send his homies and home girl to "jump" me and plus he's threatened to kidnap me! This guy is completely incompetent for someone who "claims" to have a high school diploma and a college degree. 🤣 This guy's writing skills is beyond atrocious and a lot (I mean a lot) of what this guy says makes zero sense when he writes. A two year-old can write better than this guy, Joe. From the times we've spoken over the phone, he sounds like he has a bunch of marbles in his mouth or either that he has a speech impediment making in difficult to understand what he's saying or he's just under the influence. Joe is not the most intelligent individual to even exist! Well, his mother should have had him aborted or swallowed him like they do in porn (just saying) and you can throw insults at him, he's just too incompetent to even know the difference between insults and compliments. I'm going to delete his number and block him as well. I have a high school diploma and only six semesters under my belt (three from TCI and three from LaGuardia Community College), I write properly all without a college degree! 🤣 There's another person whom I'd like to delete their phone number and all text messages (as well on WhatsApp) and block this individual from ever calling because I'm tired of this particular individual(s) constantly resorting to name calling causing me have flashbacks of my stepfather resorting to name calling (to both myself and my son) than turn around saying to look at the text messages but I will leave it at that with no questions asked. I'm tired of that childish behavior but I'm slowly getting to to my breaking point, that's it and good luck trying to convince me to remain in your life. I need to speak up and not stay shut for anyone, regardless of who you are (male or female) because I've had people take advantage of me in the past and I need to shut that down. Perhaps I'll have that satisfaction of shutting people down by not staying quiet. It's getting old of where I stay shut and allowing people to take advantage and walk all over me like a rug. That lifestyle is getting old and I've been told by many that I need to speak up. If you don't like it, if I had a dick, you can suck my dick and tell me what flavor. I'm at that point in my life that I've had enough of people's nonsense and one of these days I'm going to end up telling my own mother off because it's getting ridiculous with her behavior. I'm tired (mentally and emotionally) of dealing with her shit. Enough is enough and the day I move out, I want nothing to do with my own mother because she's a toxic person who chose her pedophile husband over me after I told her what happened and I'll never ever forgive her for that. Why should I forgive my own mother? For what? I'm not getting anything out of it. Yes, it hurts like hell but I'm constantly in that survival mode, 24/7/365 at all times. All in all, I wish you all the best, cheers mate! 🥂

Overall, I want to primarily focus on saving up so I can eventually leave New York City for a change of scenery because I'm doing this because I want to (by choice) and I'm doing this for me. If anyone have any problems with that, speak now or forever hold your tongue and I'll keep in touch with nine people and mostly family. Three people I'll no longer be on speaking terms with, this guy Joe; this other individual with narcissistic issues; and even my own mother but it would be great if she relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada and spend the rest of her life living with my sister and brother-in-law. If need be, I may as well just change my phone number so it would be impossible for my mother and this other individual to get my new contact information. Don't believe for a single moment that I'm playing anyone dirty because you want to believe whatever lies you're being fed at the moment and keep in mind that I am not playing anyone dirty and trust me, once when I cut you out of my life, there is absolutely no turning back but it was nice knowing you! There are so much I want to accomplish in the upcoming year and my first two goals is to improve my health by doing yoga on my days off from work and the second is to pay off any and all existing debt I have before I set up additional small personal goals for myself. I would love to go on many photography walks but have to find the time when I'm able to go on photography walks and a photography blog will be in the works. For now, small goals, baby steps before I mess myself up along the way and it's important for me to remain on track and focus on relaxing more. I do enjoy being outdoors more than being stuck indoors all day and if I had my own place, I'd have music playing all the time but will have one television set throughout the home so I can focus on my yoga.

"As important as it is to learn how to deal with different kinds of people, truly toxic people will never be worth your time and energy - and they take a lot of each. Toxic people create unnecessary complexity, strife, and, worst of all, stress." ~ Travis Bradberry

Yes, I fuck up a lot, still, Yes, I notice when you are turned off by something I say/do. Yes, I have also been ignorant, but I cannot continue to walk away form the rotten parts of my identity when you belittle the steps forward I make. I cannot improve when you don't actively help because you would rather bemoan me when I screw up.

In regards of leaving New York, don't think I'm doing this to "avoid" being around certain people and I'm doing this to get a breathe of fresh air away from New York City within the next five and a half years or so. I already have things somewhat planned out in my mind in hopes it'll work out in my favor which is my own personal goals. It's not going to be an easy journey on my end, unless I find a second job and just know that I'll always be around but I can't always evolve around you or your needs, you're a grown ass person with your own agenda and hobbies. If you feel that I "don't have time" for you, then please (please) cut me loose from your life if you truly feel that I don't have time for you and I have to make a living. If you're retired, please find yourself a companion within your own age group that is retired as well and can spend almost every waking minute with you because I feel like I can't give you what you truly want from me. It's best to find someone who can legitimately give you what you've always wanted because of what happened to me when I was nine! Yet, I'm not going to apologize for feeling that way and I don't need flashbacks of the experiences of what happened to me. I don't need grown ass people throwing temper tantrums just because I have to earn a living but I'm not going to apologize for any of it. I have to take care of both myself and my son whether if you like it or not (you jealous manipulative narcissistic asshole 😡). If it comes down to moving on with our lives, I personally feel it would be in our best interest to delete each other's contact information instead of blocking each other on WhatsApp, etc because I need to solely focus on my own personal goals for now and just know that I will always be that respectful and loyal friend that you've ever had in this life. Best not to fuck that up and especially if I've been way more honest than you'll ever be! Best of luck with everything in your life because I need to move on and will have to do something to spiritually cleanse myself from any negative spiritual attacks placed by you to keep me near and dear for your own selfish needs and desires. Again, best of luck to you.
My personal goals for the upcoming year:
  • Focus all my attention and energy more on my own health before anyone and anything else. Such as eating healthier and continue on my yoga/fitness journey. My health comes first before any man, woman and child. Nonetheless, I don't give two shits about you, even though I do care but my health comes first. If I'm not in the best of health, than how can you expect me to spend time with you or go to work on the days I'm scheduled to work? 🤨
  • Pay off any and all existing debt.
  • Save up for a place of my own and set both short term and long term goals.
  • Saying no more often and not be afraid of the word no.
  • Cutting certain individuals out of my life for the sake of my own sanity so I can finally find my happy, whether if you're apart of my life or not but don't be a narcissistic asshole that you are (I'm not naming any names but I'll let you figure it out on your own). Even if it means deleting and blocking your contact info just to prevent you ever from contacting me ever [going forward].
  • Go on more photography walks when time permits.
  • Write more blogs, even if this means going to any Queens Public Library (Fresh Meadows or Windsor Park) or Starbucks down the block from where I live.
  • Looking into schools such as Grace Institute, providing if they have lifted the vaccine mandate by the time I get around to checking out any upcoming open house event they have. If they've lifted the vaccine mandate, I'll take advantage of it while I still can! However, if the vaccine mandate is still in effect, I hope and pray that I get to use my religious exemption. Nonetheless, I'm open to taking the COVID weekly testing

Blessed be,


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Untitled [For Now]

"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." ~ Warren Buffett

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. Since I don't have a photography mentor, I should use this time to work on some projects in the meantime and hopefully before I completely finish my project on Blurb Books. For now, I'd have to focus more on my financial goals and it's a bit of a challenge since I only one income, I may have to focus on finding a second job for the time being until I feel I've reached my financial goal of over $2,500 bucks. There other financial obligations I need to focus on for now until I've completely paid off my charge card and as well as Target charge cards and that's my main goal of paying off what I need to pay off before I focus on anything else which is my main personal priority at the moment. Which is why I have a side hustle of doing bottle returns, it's not much but it's still something and it adds up with time. However, that's my choice of what my side hustles are, my second side hustle is my photography and currently taking into consideration of writing essays for those who are current college students for a fee of $100 but according one website: Grade Bees is the average amount to pay someone to write an essay is between $12 - $35 while a second site: 5 Star Essays is $15 - $30 per page for your coursework; a third is a site is Write My Essay is $15 - $40 bucks, and not bad to keep people reading one site after another with different prices, a fourth site is if you think you should charge anywhere from $15 per page to $40 per page, it depends on the variety of factors from Freelance Essay Writers. For me, I'm only to accept cash payments and if you have Venmo then fine but I'm not signing up for any other prepaid debit cards. If you're looking to start a side hustle, it's best to either have a CashApp or Venmo account since almost everyone I know have either a CashApp or Venmos. I have NetSpend; American Express Serve cards because if you're a New York City resident, there's no monthly fees; and Venmo prepaid cards. For now, I'll figure something out and I still want to have some extra funds so I can spend time with my son. If anyone have a problem with that, I can't help you out with that because my son comes second (after my health which is first). If you're one of those people that easily gets jealous, go see a psychiatrist and it's not my fault you're easily jealous and wonder when people will put a grown ass person like you first. You got it all twisted, you come third on everyone's list because it's the individual's own right to put his or her health first then their family then their significant other. If you don't like it, you can suck my dick and tell me what flavor. One of my former colleagues from Citi Field [here in Queens, NY], his mentor let me borrow this book, The Business of the 21st Century by Robert T. Kiyosaki and so far it's an interesting read. I'd have to finish reading the book and I may have to start the book over since I had forgotten about the book.

"The risk of moving toward your dreams is much lower than the slow, everyday punishment you inflict on yourself by suppressing your dream." ~ Mel Robbins

I have my personal dreams and goals of what I want to accomplish because at the end of my day my dreams and goals are my own, no one else's. To top it off, I'm over the age of 18, I am my own person, and I have every right to decide for myself whether if people agree with my decisions or not. Your method is different than my own method of doing things and I'm not mad but I don't need people getting on my case based on my personal interests or what I'm doing during my spare time. Nonetheless, just know that I've never bothered anyone, nor have I been arrested or been to jail and I don't need for people to be driving me up the wall, getting me all worked up to the point that I don't even want to speak to you to several days, therefore, I just don't need any more aggravation because I already have enough on my plate as it is. Anyway, I would love to own my own business, be my own boss; and I suppose I should find programs that offer free programs for women with low-income to attend. Although I may not be inoculated with zero intentions of getting inoculated anytime soon (of course I've had people say "You should try it!") but I know when I take the COVID-19 test, it will come back negative and I just spend a lot of my time alone or with my son. It would be amazing if I can take business courses to protect myself from people who have nothing better to do with their time and energy. It's not knowing much about the stuff about your car and you take your car to the mechanic to have your car repaired, they tell you that you need to have this, this and that replaced when in reality there's nothing wrong with those three things when it's really something else that needs to be replaced. This is why I feel that studying business will be my safety net and all things math is my kryptonite while reading and writing are my superpowers, that's the best analogy I can come up with. Perhaps I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. I do want to have knowledge when it comes down to business and not worry about my sanity or question it out of pure frustration, it'll be great if people weren't so bent on (busting my chops) how I do things or why I do the things I do. Okay, I get the picture, will you just drop it? It's so annoying but I'm trying to have a good day and here you are busting my chops in the most annoying way possible!

"Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, others make it happen." ~ Michael Jordan

Blessed be,


Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Gift Of Bliss

"Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention." ~ Deepak Chopra

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. I know I've mentioned I've wanted to create a spiritual blog and write a lot of my own personal experiences. There's several things I want to disclose in this particular blog and how I respond to every little thing. I was outside saging one of my pink quartz crystals (have two pink quartz crystals) and have to redo my intentions that I wanted to "program" into the pink quartz because there was something I wanted to do on my own at home for a change. Since it's my birth month, I want it to be about promoting self-love since I'm going to be hitting 40 this year and it'll be my own personal theme this year. Well, my theme for this year will be promoting self-love; health; wealth; prosperity; and abundance. As I've mentioned somewhere in a past blog that if you don't love yourself, along with the good, the bad and the ugly than how can you possibly have anyone else love you? I hope in some way shape or form it makes sense for those reading this blog. You don't necessarily need to be a psychologist to figure this one out after all and in the end it's not other people for you to blame but self-love has to come from within and if you can't love yourself then I don't know what to say. I'm not a fan of blaming others because you have to hold yourself accountable for your own actions at the end of the day. If you don't hold yourself accountable for your own actions and thoughts then who in the world will? 🤔 If you're able to love yourself in a positive way then you'll attract people who love you for you, nothing else and I haven't had that positive experience in my own life because I've always had people take advantage of my unconditional love. After I came back in, my mother thought sage "smelled" like weed and how in the world do you get sage from weed? Go figure! Nonetheless, maybe she needs to smoke weed to loosen up so she's not so uptight. So this is a start with saging my crystals and I have other crystals to sage, ones specifically for employment and finances. At the end of the day, I just need to sage a lot of the things I have and hopefully my mom goes to Atlantic City, New Jersey overnight so I can spiritually cleanse the entire apartment. I'm sure she's going to say sage smells like weed, go figure and no point of explaining it to her whatsoever because she wouldn't understand! There are things that I've been thinking about when it comes to spirituality as of late and it's been an interesting journey for the past year or so. Although I've always been into witchcraft since high school but never did anything with it until the last two years. Just know that I'm spirituality sensitive, meaning if you attempt to do something sinister to me, I will know and will do whatever I have to do to protect myself. Since I'm not getting paid for my own spiritual work and not sure how many people believe in this line of spirituality without thinking I've lost my mind. I'll hold off on the wishful thinking.

"Like success, failure is many things to many people. With positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, and a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order to prepare to try again." ~ W. Clement Stone

Another thing is I had a dream over the summer that an ex-friend had came back to New York from Atlanta, Georgia and I believe it was my son, Stephan who told me that this chick, Nargiss and her son, Amen had came back to New York because life in Atlanta was too much for her to "handle." I doubt my mother would have made mention of it for whatever reason she has and I'm contemplating whether if it's worth it to do spiritual things to Nargiss to keep her and her son, Amen in Atlanta, Georgia for good! I don't need her or her son anywhere near myself; my son and family. If need be, I'll head to Original Botanica in the Bronx for a Saint Alejo candle in the upcoming weeks. I had that dream on September 5. 2022 and it's not going to be my first time and nor will it be my last time I'll have these types of dreams. This chick who was once my "friend," I know she's still butt hurt over the email I've sent her two years ago just because I spoke the truth and she didn't like it (boo-hoo). Hey, it's facts of life and technically I didn't "throw it in" their faces and they can continue to live in denial all their lives but let's see how long this silent treatment will last. As mentioned before, if I could have done things differently, I would have waited until New Year's Eve to send the email by adding just enough that it'll be good enough for me. Anyway, let's see what happens whether if this dream I had will manifest into reality and I hope it stays as a dream because I don't need Nargiss coming around while I am at work as she's done in the past and I have to hear it from my son, Stephan.

"We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own." ~ Cesar Chavez

I've been looking on YouTube regarding prosperity bowls and there is an item of interest at Original Botanica in the Bronx. I already have the crystals needed and will have to head to Namaste Bookshop for crystals as I'm figuring out exactly where to place my prosperity bowl and it's going to be very interesting putting together a prosperity bowl until I'm able to purchase a 35mm film camera than eventually upgrade to a digital camera. For now, I just want to focus on getting a film camera and improving my photography. Yeah, I understand that digital photography would be way more economical than going down that nostalgic route of film photography where you'd be spending more money on buying film and dropping film off at places such as B&H for film processing. All in all, I feel that film have that look that digital photography lacks. I'm well aware of how expensive film photography really is in contrast to digital photography.

Blessed be,

Monday, October 31, 2022

College Dreams

"A high school diploma will no longer be sufficient. But that post secondary education does not have to be a four-year university or a four-year college. It can be a career technical education, vocational education, community college." ~ Raja Krishnamoorthi

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. With the mandates, having to be fully vaccinated in order to attend your child's school event (such as graduations, PTA meetings); hold down a weekly/bi-weekly income in the New York City area or even attend any CUNY and I also believe all SUNY colleges, you'd have to be fully inoculated in order to attend college. I pray that this does not effect those who are attending online courses and if this is my only available option at the moment, I'm open to the experience, although I prefer going in person. I do miss the experience of being around people in my own age group. Nonetheless, I don't mind being around people of all ages but not for a long period of time. At the end of the day, as long as I get to have a career that I truly enjoy and something that is fulfilling because I'm used to being pushed to the slide like I don't exist, like I'm shit, nobody, someone without talent. Furthermore, I realize I have so much to offer in this life and not many people can see that, maybe they do see it but they choose to keep me in a cage locked up keeping me from flourishing talent wise or they simply turn a blind eye as to what I can do. Maybe I'm doing this to myself, who knows and I don't believe in blaming people because I would rather raise above it and go on with my life. I don't feel the need to get into other people's business, I don't expect people being all nosey in mine and I'll be fine as long as I stay in my own lane. Meaning, what I do during my spare time is none of your damn concern, however, I do appreciate your concern (just know that I am perfectly capable of keeping myself out of trouble) and whatever you do during your spare time is none of my concern. I need to make my own decisions in life, whether if you agree with it or not and at the end of the day, I can only be me. As much as I would love to go back to go back to school, at the time of this blog, I unfortunately cannot go back to college because I'm not inoculated and for the time being, college will have to be on the back burner until further notice. I hope the mandates in all schools will be lifted so I can go on to earning an Associate's Degree from LaGuardia Community College so I can transfer to another school such as Fashion Institute of TechnologyThe New School | Parsons School of DesignInternational Center of Photography; or even New York Film Academy for a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Photography. I've read articles on fellow photographers who are in the photography industry who have not finished college and they've made a steady career as a photographer from the time they've decided that college wasn't for them. I'm contemplating whether if I should also major in business once when I have my Bachelor's of Fine Arts and I am shying away from business because of calculus [and all things relating to arithmetic]. I'm leaning more towards Fashion Institute of Technology for photography.

On the other hand, I'll shy away from business as a major because I only have a fourth grade math level and it sucks when all things mathematics are my kryptonite. I'm not all that confident with my math and no matter how many times or showing me different ways of solving a math problem that is so simple for someone else to solve but a challenge for me to understand on so many levels. Whenever I look at a math problem in algebra, I'm instantly confused and it's hopeless to explain to me and anything to do with reading and writing I would consider my super powers. It's not easy having a learning disability and a speech impediment but it doesn't mean that I'm incompetent or any less human than the next person who does not have a developmental disability. I know what I know and no one can take away my knowledge and personal experiences because that makes me who I am today! I figured with having a college degree in business will help me become successful but I doubt I need a degree in business and it will be very interesting to have my own photography business here in New York City. If I play my cards right, I hope to expand my business and every three to four years sounds good to me to slowly expand since I don't need for my business to collapse like a deck of cards.

At the moment, as much as I want to go back to school but can't due to the [vaccine] mandate and it's going to be a bit of a challenge because I'm a photography major at LaGuardia Community College. Therefore I don't have access to the darkroom at school if I were to take online courses, on top of the tuition and cost of text books; film; chemicals needed to develop my film or make prints; cost of special Ilford paper used in the darkroom; and transportation costs, it's not going to leave me with much to go to Bushwick Community Darkroom. If I'm not mistaken, it's $25 per hour and I'd have to contact them for the correct information but don't quote me on that exact price just yet until I get the correct info from them. It would make my life so much easier if I created my own darkroom at home, it would be a headache to set up, however, it'll be worth it but again a headache of having to properly dispose of the chemicals used when developing your own film or making prints. It's going to be one expensive bill on my end! 😬

Blessed be,


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

What Beauty Secrets?

"I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay." ~ Tracee Ellis Ross

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. I hope this blog finds everyone well today. I honestly don't have any beauty secrets and so far I've had two people asking me if I have any beauty secrets, my answer is nope. Well, somewhat, I very rarely wear makeup and I try not to get stressed out. I do have this nasty habit of beating myself up where it may not be a big deal to other people but it's a bit of a big deal to me [to each his own] and I try not to get stressed out. As mentioned before, I don't wear a whole lot of makeup but at most eyeliner and mascara and lip gloss. Other than that, I'm just your average plain Jane so to speak and I don't get too crazy with buying and wearing makeup every single day (whether if you're a mom; single mom or you just focusing on yourself, no children, no boyfriend/husband). My reason why I wear eye liner and mascara is because it brings out my eyes. Lip balm wise, I use Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm and you can purchase a pack of these at BJ's Wholesale, they're usually under $20 bucks for a pack of eight (at the time of this blog was written). Only time I use stuff to wash my face at the end of the day are Clean & Clear Night Relaxing Deep Cleaning Face Wash when I'm too tired to use Noxzema for a half hour to forty-five minutes or so; I use Noxzema and leave it on my face for a good half hour to forty-five minutes while I still have energy. If I have a zit or two, I just take a dab of Noxzema and put the dab on where the zits are at and leave on for overnight. Another thing, I don't do drugs and I very rarely drink [alcohol] but only on social occasions. I mostly drink a lot of water with the exception of allowing myself one cup of juice and one bottle or can of soda per day. Another product I just recently starting using, although I've had this product since last year is Differin Moisturizer Restorative Night Moisturizer, 2.5 oz and Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1% Acne Treatment - 15g. After looking at the directions, I'd have to get the Differin Gel then use the Differin Moisturizer Restorative Night Moisturizer. Another thing I do is listen to a lot of music; watch comedies (movies or shows on Netflix); read books since it helps me escape this reality and same goes with writing. Factor in photography as well and also factor the fact that I'm of Chinese descent, (side note: I identify as Chinese, more so than Panamanian), I also want to get into or rather learn more about the Asian culture.

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward." ~ Kurt Vonnegut

One thing I've noticed are the people I've hung out with are several years younger than yours truly. I do have several friends that are slightly older but within my age group. Other than that, I don't have much of a beauty secret other than doing what I can not to get stressed out but I do get frustrated at times but usually short lived and go on with my life. My personal beauty secrets for looking like I'm in my mid 20's are: I very rarely wear makeup; I don't drink [alcohol] but only at social gatherings or do drugs; pursue what makes me happy during my spare time; I do my best not to focus all my energy on the news because it's all too depressing and it messes up your mental health; laugh often and even if it means watching your favorite comedy; washing your face once a day before bed (especially if you've been outside at some point throughout the day); listening to my favorite songs (I'm in the process of setting up a playlist from the 70's on Spotify); and that's pretty much my beauty (so-called) secrets. If getting liposuction was in my budget, I'd go for it but since it's not within budget, I'm happy with the traditional route of working out, preferably mixed martial arts and yoga over going to the gym any day, any time, any place! To each their own, right? What are your beauty secret tips do you have? Truth be told, I've never had the curiosity to do drugs and nor is it on my to-do list or bucket list so to speak. As the saying goes, to each their own and I will leave it at that. I hold no desire to do drugs no time soon.

"We need solitude, because when we're alone, we're free from obligations, we don't need to put on a show, and we can hear our own thoughts." ~ Tamim Ansary, West of Kabul, East of New York: An Afghan American Story.

I suppose another "beauty secret" is to dedicate a full day or as long as you feel you need for some much needed solitude and do something or catch up on your hobbies. For me it's going on photography walks or doing yoga when time permits and I do feel it's best to dedicate an entire day away from all technology such as laptops; tablets; accepting/making phone calls or even text messages or unless if you're being kidnapped by some weird creature that look like a combination of E.T.; a grizzly bear; and a butterfly with the snout of a crocodile. Yoga for me is very soothing and relaxing providing if people don't end up calling me but I should be fine if I just turned my phone off for several hours. All is well when I turn my phone off and no need to worry, once when you leave a voicemail, I will return your call. I often enjoy spending an entire day or two of solitude for my own sanity; to disconnect from the world and to prevent myself from going crazy so to speak. I personally feel it's important to take time out for yourself only once or twice a week for the entire day and this means turning your phone off so you can reflect on your own personal goals and needs. I know I need a day to recharge and collect my thoughts. I've spent many days self-loathing and it's something I'd have to work on. I'm pretty sure it's for another blog at a later time and I suppose it's a way to do when you're spending time in solitude. I wonder if it's considered "selfish" to want to spend time alone. It makes me feel guilty for wanting to spend time alone and yet I don't mind the company of others but I do equally enjoy spending time alone from time to time. Anyway, here are two videos I've come across for self love affirmations for those who have that self-loathing mentality: 'Positive Affirmations for Self Love, Self Esteem, Confidence'; and '75+ Affirmations For Self-Love | Affirm Your Self-Worth, Self Confidence | A Brand New You | Manifest'.

"There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone's spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that's beautiful to me." ~ Liv Tyler

Blessed be,


Monday, July 11, 2022

Spiritual Crafts

“The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you’re not here as a human being only. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Good morning; afternoon; and evening friends and fans! Namaste. I honestly was not planning on a fourth spiritual blog but here I am writing a fourth blog on spirituality and as I'm reflecting back on my previous blog titled: Spiritual Practice, I realize I haven't fully touched up on which psalms I would have used if I could do things much (much) differently and who knows what that particular outcome would have been or will be! I've decided to completely completely redo this blog over because I thought the first time around was good but this time I wanted to do better this time around on what I'd do. I had my Powers of the Psalms by Anna Riva on hand when I had taken my son, Stephan to the pool in Fort Totten on Independence Day so he can have fun while I chilled on the lounge chairs getting some tan and being a freaking meal to flies. 😒 While I was on the lounge chair looking over some psalms before placing them certain ones in its own category (love; work; finances; enemies). I did eventually go in the pool and had a good time, so the day wasn't a complete waste! 😁 Hopefully I'd have some space on scrap paper to break each category down so you'd know which is which and unfortunately in the Powers of the Psalms does not have any psalms to keep those who are constantly harassing you around the clock by blowing up your phone with constant unnecessary phone calls and threatening text messages to harm you and your family. Your best bet is to use these psalms: Suppress Evil Doers which involves a Reversible Multi-color 7 Day Prayer Candle; Punish Liars and Violent Men; Bring an Enemy to Justice; Destroy Any Enemies Power; Destroy One's  Enemy; and the last four psalms you use a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Black. As for as Bring an Enemy to Justice, if you have John Doe or Jane Doe's picture and date of birth, place the picture, name and date of birth on parchment paper on one side and intentions on the other side under the candle, repeat ritual for nine days. Don't forget to use Receive Answer to Prayer psalm prior to beginning each ritual during the Waxing and/or Waning Moon. Don't wait until things get worse before beginning your ritual and be sure to stock up on candles because for certain rituals require a black; purple; yellow; and several Reversible Multi-color 7 Day candles. I suggest purchasing a Double Reversible 14 Day Prepared Candle; Destroy Everything 14 Day Prepared Candle; Black List D.U.M.E. 14 Day Prepared Candle; and Against Harm/Contra Danos 14 Day Prepared Candle for the fifth month but for the first four months get three black candles so you can carve either John Doe or Jane Doe's full name and date of birth onto the candle and if you have a picture of either John Doe or Jane Doe, that's even better but still include their name; date of birth; and your intentions. Also recite Suppress Evil Doers for as long as possible for nine days if possible and I personally haven't tried this method for nine days but I am curious to hear from your personal experiences. You can spend anywhere from half hour to an hour each day and as many times as you want, it could be once a day or twice a day. It's totally up to you on what you want to accomplish but make it your own experience!!! I suggest Protection and Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual by Jason Miller and another book is Advanced Candle Magic by Ray Buckland for your spiritual practice. I suggest going to Namaste BookshopAum Shanti Bookshop & Crystal Gallery; and Stick Stone & Bone for crystals but most of all, I encourage you to purchase a Selenite Crystal so you can charge up your candles and crystals first before working on anything spiritual.

-Positive Vibes-

"Spirituality does two things for you. One, you are forced to become more selfless, two, you trust to providence. The opposite of a spiritual man is a materialist. If I was a materialist I would be making lots of money doing endorsements, doing cricket commentary. I have no interest in that." ~ Imran Khan

If you're looking to attract the positive things into your life such as love; prosperity; employment opportunities. I will list several psalms throughout this paragraph that maybe useful to your current situation and I wish you luck on your spiritual journey. Especially if you're looking to start a business of your own and I will mention that in a moment. If you wish to attract love or friends; use Receive Answer to prayer; Receive Divine Prayer; Receive God's Blessings before beginning your rituals for Attract Love; Attract Friends; Assist In Finding Work; Find Fulfillment in Work; Find Love Each and Every Day; For A Happy Marriage; Help in Finding a New Dwelling; Improve Financial Conditions; Prosper in Business; Strengthen Friendships. To Attract Friends, all you need are parchment paper and Attraction Oil and carry the parchment paper with you everyday when you go out. You don't need anything fancy for Strengthen Friendships other than pray sincerely the short psalm of David. Best advice is to do no harm onto others and as the Wiccan Rede goes: "An ye harm none, do what ye will." Be mindful of any and all consequences done during your spiritual rituals, whether it's positive or negative because it will either bite you in the derrière if you put out negative energy and if you do positive then the universe will reward you with something positive. For added benefits prior to doing any spiritual work is done where as I often use them as personal reference to see how other witches perform their spells, check out Magical Witch or any other YouTube channel that features performing spells. If you're going to be performing any spiritual work for your dream job: a green candle is needed; Cat Candle Green; Catnip HerbFix Boss OilBoss Fix Sachet PowderHire Me Perfume (this link may take you to the 3rd I Product but you'd have to type in Hire Me); Job Oil; Steady Work Oil; Steady Work Sachet Powder; and a Steady Work 7 Day 1 Color Prayer Candle Green along with the psalms needed. You'll also need to recite this affirmation daily in order for everything to become reality: Affirmations For Dream Job Success | 21 Days Attract Job | Positive Affirmation Meditation | Manifest. If you're someone who is single and looking to enter a relationship, be careful in what you wish for and make sure you have a 7 Day Pull Out Candle White; a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Pink; and a 7 Day Pull Out Candle Red, as well as Attraction Oil; Love Drawing Candle 7 DayCome to Me OilDesire Me Oil; Glow of Attraction OilLove Oil; Love Sachet Powder; and Love Soap. If you're totally serious about attracting a soulmate, be sure that this is what you want and be careful what you wish for! Be sure you find these qualities such as honesty; loyalty; trust; communication; and there's one other I've unintentionally left out but they will come to me! Keep this in mind, if you're one of those people that have that self-loathing mindset, there's an old saying, "If you can't love yourself, how in the world can you love someone else?" Or rather "If you can't love  yourself, how can you expect anyone to love you the way you deserve?" I hope that makes sense on many levels. If you have time throughout your day, here are two affirmations you can view at your own leisure that I personally like: Positive Affirmations for Self Love, Self Esteem, Confidence and 75+ Affirmations For Self-Love | Affirm Your Self-Worth, Self Confidence | A Brand New You | Manifest. There's a book I had borrowed from the Queens Public Library titled: The Practical Witch's Love Spell Book for Passion, Romance, and Desire by Cerridwen Greenleaf and illustrated by Mara Penny. It's a pretty cool book to read if you're looking for love or helping someone out with finding love. Best time to attract positive things into your life, please follow the moon phases for the best possible outcome and best time to perform positive spiritual work is during the Waxing Moon [refer to Moon Giant Calendar and Candle Spell How-To Guide]. In witchcraft, a "waxing" moon signifies a growing, increasing energy, ideal for manifestation energy; and attracting such things. Best of luck and I'm not looking to get too carried away with this. Carry on children!

I hope you've seen what I've done in the previous section with examples of what to purchase. Keep in mind, if you do positive, the universe will reward you with positive vibrations into your lives and don't feel intimidated by doing candle work. Be sure to find the best positive frequency music to listen to either on Spotify or YouTube! Key point about Waxing Moon: it represents growth, expansion, and new beginnings. Good for spells related to attracting abundance, love, creativity, and personal power. Think of it like "waxing" car.

-Banishing Vibes-

"But no matter how much evil I see, I think it's important for everyone to understand that there is much more light than darkness." ~ Robert Uttaro

In regards of performing banishing rituals, be mindful as to what you're doing because depending your intentions of the outcome and keep in mind that whatever energy you put out there can come back to you times three, please keep that in mind always! If it involves sending someone packing, just have a clear mind on where you'd want the said individual to relocate to another country and remain there permanently and never come back. It's best not to make this into a habit because as they say, karma is a bitch and it's not going to be pretty but at least allow the universe take care of these people for you. I'd also suggest do each ritual a minimum of five times during the Waxing Moon or Waning Moon over the course of five months and for the final time, purchase a 14 Day Plain Brown Candle. For the first four months, purchase three 7 Day Pull Out Candle Brown (with the glass) and one brown candle without the glass. If you choose to purchase a fourteen day candle for the fourth month and fifth month to give it a boost, be my guest in buying an extra fourteen day brown candle to give it a boost. Always practice good judgement before you get involved with spiritual work, both positive and negative; the good, the bad and the ugly! Have faith that this will work! Don't lose faith. In witchcraft, essentially, "waxing" is associated with growth and building, while "waning" is connected with decline and release. Waning Moon represents decline, letting go, and releasing negativity. Used for spells related to banishing unwanted things, breaking bad habits, and cleansing rituals. Think of the moon "waning" away, shrinking and losing its light.

Results may vary when performing or attempting each spiritual ritual and best to plan what you intend on doing beforehand (in advance) but best to perform either positive or banishing ritual a minimum of five months per month cycle and ending the final ritual with a fourteen day candle as the fifth month. No need to over do each ritual no more than once per moon phase (over the course of five months) and allow the universe to take care of the rest for you while you sit back and enjoy some popcorn so to speak. For example if you intend on using Suppress Evil Doers, do this a minimum of once during the Waning Moon Phase for five months and even if you have to purchase a fourteen day Double Reversible 14 Day Prepared Candle; Reversible Oil; and a Reversible Sachet Powder. Here's what I would do, I'd purchase a 7 Day Black Pull Out Candle (so you can carve John Doe or Jane Doe's full name and date of birth onto the candle before using oil) to last me four months and purchase a fourteen day reversible candle for the fifth month. Or I can purchase three seven day black candles and two fourteen day reversible candles so the first three months will consist of using seven day candles for the first three months and final two months will be the fourteen day candles. Nah, I think it's best to keep it to a minimum of four months instead of five because now that I think about it, it's over doing it if you were to keep on for five months straight then you may be pushing your luck. However, if you're using a Reversible Candle, feel free to use a Shut Up Multicolored 7 Day Prayer Candle; Shut Up Oil; and there is a Shut Up Sachet Powder (it's not shown on Original Botanica website) for Against Evil Tongues; Quiet the Tongues of Those Who Gossip; Still the Voices of Rumor Mongers; and Suppress Liars. Same concept with carving John Doe or Jane Doe's name and date of birth onto the candle and as well as parchment paper so you can place the parchment paper under the candle and as well as a picture of the said individual. Put all your effort (intentions) into the candle and find an appropriate affirmation to go with each of these rituals you perform in order for them to work. Find what works best for you and go with it until you personally feel it's time to find a new way of doing things that works best for you. No one method works the same for everyone and you'd have to find a method that works for you! Don't be afraid of the process because you're still learning and it's a process in itself if you're patient enough for your manifestation to become a reality. Believe me, it'll take some time depending on the universe. Again, I have not tried or thought of using any affirmations from the times I've done spiritual work either for myself or on anyone else and I now know what to do down the road when the time permits.
-Previous Blogs on Spirituality-
"Religion is meant to teach us true spiritual human character. It is meant for self-transformation. It is meant to transform anxiety into peace, arrogance into humility, envy into compassion, to awaken the pure soul in man and his love for the Source, which is God." ~ Radhanath Swami

Always practice good judgment before you get involved with any or all spiritual work, both positive and negative; the good, the bad and the ugly. Have faith that this will work. It's going to take a while and it's not going to happen right this second. Give your spiritual work time for the universe to fully grasp your wishes and be careful in what you wish for! If you're looking to do candle Magick just because you personally don't like an individual(s), don't do it for that particular reason or it'll come back to bite you in the arse sooner or later and it'll work best if you feel that your life is in danger of an ex or whomever. If an ex is violent, do what you can spiritually while working with the police. Although, I can imagine the police saying: "There's nothing we can do or unless if you've been attacked." Ain't that something? They'll wait until you're dead before they do anything for you. I'm skeptical regarding an Order of Protection because I've heard horror stories on how the ex-husband/estranged husband goes after his estranged wife and murders her to avoid paying child and or spousal support, stories like this you can watch on Dateline or 20/20. Do what you have to do to protect yourself and your children from harm and even if this means taking up Mixed Martial Arts classes near you (depending on your current budget). In the process, use safety and precaution when using candles, never leave them unattended for safety reasons (that is if you want to have a place to come home to at the end of the day). I would suggest reading Powers of the Orishas for additional information because there are prayers in both Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers books and be sure to use these books in good faith. All I know is once when you're initiated into the Santeria faith you'd have to wear all white for one year and it's not going to be as fun if you're a young woman who is still experiencing her monthly friend (depending on how heavy your menstrual cycles are because I know mine is heavy due to the birth control I'm using, which is an IUD). I realize Santeria have nothing to do with witchcraft and for a better understanding, watch this video: Santeria - Fusion of the Gods. Interview with a Santero. Documentary. So far it's an interesting history of Santeria. I still have a lot to learn when it comes down to such spiritual faiths and a lot of devotion as well. I hope I'm going to drive myself crazy with the new found information and knowledge of Santeria. This will be a very interesting journey learning more about the Orishas as I go along in life and where I stand with learning more about the Orishas, I currently find this to be very intimidating because I don't know a whole lot about it until I feel comfortable knowing more and more about them! All in all, I will recommend four books depending on where you're currently at the moment. Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers; Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers Volume #2Powers of the Orishas: Santeria & the Worship of Saints by Migene Gonzalez - Wippler; and Powers of the Psalms.

I will end this with this message and I know I had set this blog up with the intentions of writing about photography, not a variety of different topics. I may end up doing a separate blog dedicated to spirituality and that's not going to be now but down the road once when I have a name picked out, I will be sure to share it with you all. ♥️ I will keep any spiritual blogs on here and I'm not in the mood to be rewriting any past blogs onto the new blog site, nope, I'm not going through the headache of copying and pasting anything non photography related onto new spiritual blog! Sorry, not sorry. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Side note: whenever you're doing candle work and there's specific prayers or psalms, pray genuinely as possible in order for your intentions to become reality. If it's certain Saints, be sure to leave an offering and be sure to do research on these saints prior to doing candle work. Again, pray as genuinely as possible while holding the candle and if you have a white tea light candle, light that first in Yahuah's Name and let Him know what you're doing at the moment, to guide you down the right path. There are three YouTube videos I feel you should check out at your earliest convenience: Yahuah/Yahusha Power Prayer; What is the real name of the Creator?... YAHUAH; and The True Name of the Creator. These are very interesting videos to watch and will check out YouTube channels with the history of Yahuah. I realize this is contradicting everything I've ever posted in this blog along with several other blogs relating to brujeria and yet believing in Yahuah but found this video, Witchcraft Breaker Deliverance Prayers | Pray in the Name of Yahuah - Yahusha and I'm going to eventually write a separate blog in regards of Yahuah, hopefully it'll be my last spiritual blog. I may revisit several videos and post them in the new blog once when I do my research, both video and articles. I still have books on witchcraft I haven't gotten around to read yet. If you want to get into astrology, I've skimmed through, The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart and want to create my birth chart but have to figure out how. Astrology have a hand in spirituality but can't fully explain because I haven't gone that far down the rabbit hole like the way I have with this level of spirituality that involves candles and divination (such as tarot cards but not yet with Runes or palmistry).

Blessed be,
*Caution: Be aware. Results may vary! Please be patient because your spells will take a hot minute for the universe to absorb your intentions. Don't lose faith and always, always keep the faith in yourself and in your spiritual work. When doing candle work, always keep a glass of water next to the candle. When doing candle work, never leave candles unattended. Best of luck!* 💗 😇 🤗 🕊 🕯️